WHAT'S GNU (Release History)

WHAT'S GNU (Release History)

General information About Major and Minor Releases 

Safari issues major upgrades (e.g., v1.4) every 2 to 4 months, with annual version sequences (v1.x for 2020, v2.x for 2021, and so on). Minor updates (e.g., v1.4.2), including bug fixes and small additions, occur roughly bi-weekly. Updates are rolled out on Friday evenings, beginning at 9 pm PDT, possibly causing brief system downtime. Safari notifies users of expected outages at least 24 hours in advance.

v6.0.3 - (03/15/2025) (Build 2025.06.00)   

  1. Improved Failed Correspondence Handling: Users can now resend failed emails or faxes without deleting the original attempt, preserving the record while clearing the action alert automatically.

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v6.0.2 - (03/01/2025) (Build 2025.05.00)   

  1. Send Correspondence to Multiple CC Addresses:  Send Correspondence to Multiple CC addresses:  You can now CC up to 10 additional email addresses when sending a Correspondence email.  (Note, however, that email Delivery Failure alerts apply only to the primary Recipient. If a CC email fails to deliver, no alert will be shown.)

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v6.0.1 - (02/15/2025) (Build 2025.04.00)   

  1. Quick Search by Garnishment/Levy Amount:  Use the Quick Search icon at the top of the screen to search for the levy amount.  You do not need to include "$" and it doesn't matter whether you include commas, but you must include the full number including cents (e.g., $7543.32).

  2. Matter List Columns Can Include Garnishment/Levy Amount In the setup of Matter Lists Columns for users, you can now include the Levy Amount for the Garnishment matter list view.  

    1. Help page:  Setup - Matter List Columns

  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v6.0 - White Rhino (02/01/2025) (Build 2025.03.00) 

v5.1.1 - (08/16/2024) (Build 2024.17.00)   

  1. Type-Ahead Feature for Serving Party Org Name:  The Serving Party Organizational Name field now supports type-ahead, featuring 14,255 federal, state, and local agency names. This enhancement ensures consistent and accurate name entry, including aliases like "FBI" for "Federal Bureau of Investigation."

  2. Type-Ahead Feature for Adding Participants to a Matter:  Easily find and add participants to a matter with the new type-ahead search.  This feature replaces the unwieldy picklist and streamlining the process for companies with large users bases.  

  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v5.1 - Gorilla (07/21/2024) (Build 2024.15.00) 

  1. Automation with Core System Integration – Safari now offers three standard workflow automations through integrations with data warehouses and financial core systems:  (1) Subject search, (2) account lookup, and (3) funds transfer (for seizing or releasing funds related to levies or garnishments, and applying processing fees).  Built on an API-centric platform, this automation significantly reduces data entry and processing time, improves compliance, and enhances operational efficiency.

    1. Help page: Setup - Automation with API Integrations

    2. Contact your Safari Customer Success Manager to learn more.

  2. Automated X9.129 Electronic Levy Processing – Safari now enables electronic exchanges with government agencies to process X9.129 electronic levies on behalf of our financial institution customers. This new capability offers fully automated data capture of all levy information and automated response communication to the issuing agency, streamlining the levy processing workflow.  

    1. Help page:  Acct.Gar. - Agency Electronic Levies

    2. Contact your Safari Customer Success Manager to learn more.

  3. Subject Disclosure Prohibited -- This is a new field in the matter profile (which must be turned on in Subtype setup) to track requests with non-disclosure orders. When disclosure is prohibited, a light red banner appears in the Correspondence folder to serve as a reminder.

    1. Help page:  Workflow - Alerts & Warnings

  4. Current Matter Participant Report -- This new report provides visibility into the participants who have been granted access to matters.

    1. Help page:  Reports - Standard Reports & Fields

  5. Matter List Filter to Show My Matters with Participant Access -- The 'Assigned to Me' matter list now includes a filter to view all matters in which you have access as a matter participant.

    1. Help page:  Matter IDs / Matter Lists / Searching

  6. Other Enhancements

    1. Quick Search -- Safari will now ignore dashes in matter fields when users search for Case Number, Internal Ref Number, Client Matter Number, Account Number, Subject Customer ID, and Subject Tax ID. However, dashes included in the search query will not be ignored.

    2. RFPA Logic -- If RFPA compliance is enabled for a Subtype, the RFPA fields in a matter become visible and are marked as soft required if either the State Received field or the Serving Party Org State is an RFPA state (the RFPA states are specified in Setup > Company).

    3. Matter Creation Assignment -- Users can now automatically assign themselves as the Reviewer when manually creating a matter, bypassing auto-assignment even if round-robin assignment is enabled for the Subtype.

    4. Reports - Number of Subjects -- This is a new selectable field for all reports that shows the number of Subjects in the matter.

  7. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements 


Photo copyright Steven T. Waterman, an avid amateur wildlife photographer, used with permission. He captured this stunning gorilla in the wild during a safari in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. Safari SOP is grateful to Steve for sharing this photo with us.
Gorillas are renowned for their incredible strength, intelligence, and cohesive social structures. These majestic apes live in close-knit family groups led by a powerful silverback, who ensures the group's safety and harmony. Gorillas communicate through a range of vocalizations and gestures, enabling remarkable social behaviors, problem-solving skills, and the ability to navigate complex social structures and environments.

Our Gorilla release brings two 800-lb enhancements: Automation with Core System Integration and Automated X9.129 Electronic Levy Processing. Harness the power of our Gorilla release to navigate and streamline complex data and workflow challenges with advanced API communications.

v5.0 - Spotted Hyena (02/16/2024) (Build 2024.04.00) 

  1. ServePort Intake Manager – This groundbreaking new product is a service of process intake portal to legally receive information requests directly from the issuing party. It eliminates both the paper served on your branches and HQ and the manual data entry by your team.  It can be used with Safari's Subpoena Manager and Levy Manager products, and it can be used as a holistic served document management solution.  In addition to an "external" portal, you can set up a second "internal" portal for your branches and offices to use to send legal documents directly into Safari.

    1. Video:  ServePort Intake Manager

    2. Help page:  Setup - ServePort

    3. Contact your Safari Customer Success Manager to learn more.

  2. Quick Search -- Know the case number or subject name and want to find the matter quickly?  Quick search is the way to go.  Just click the magnifying glass at the top right of every page, enter the information, and Safari will automatically show you up to 10 matters that match your search.

    1. Help page:  Matter Lists / Matter IDs / Searching

  3. SCIM (auto-user provisioning) -- SCIM, which is the acronym for "System for Cross-domain Identity Management," allows IT departments to centralize and streamline user creation and deactivation in Safari.

    1. Help page:  Setup - Auto User Provisioning via SCIM

  4. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements 


The Spotted Hyena, known for its distinctive laughter-like calls, is one of Africa's most resilient and intelligent predators. With a social structure led by females and a communication system that includes complex vocalizations, they exemplify teamwork and adaptability. Much like the Spotted Hyena, our latest release focuses on strong coordination and enhanced communication with the ServePort Intake Manager, allowing seamless legal request handling and improved internal and external document management. As hyenas thrive in groups and solve challenges together, our new features are designed to enhance collaboration and efficiency within your team.

v4.3.1 - (12/21/2023) (Build 2023.26.00)   

  1. Due Date Dropdown setup:  Changed the maximum number of days to be as many as 999.  For information about configuring the date dropdowns, see Setup - Date Dropdowns.

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v4.3 - Verreaux's Eagle Owl (12/09/2023) (Build 2023.25.00) 

  1. EIN & Billing Address for Invoices – Configure invoices to display the Entity's EIN and billing address (which can now be different than the entity's physical/mailing address).

    1. Help page:  Setup - Company, Entities, and Teams (see section about including the EIN and billing address for invoices)

    2. Help page:  Setup - Invoices

  2. Field-Related Improvements

    1. Subjects: Unique fields based on whether the Subject is an individual, entity, or identifier (e.g., SSN or EIN, DOB for individuals, etc.)

    2. Subpoenas:  New field for "Case Type" to categorize and report on matters as civil, criminal, regulatory, or other, with further sub-selections that can be customized. This field must be enabled by Safari on the backend, so please coordinate with your Safari Customer Success Manager to activate this feature.

    3. Subpoenas:  Due Date (Response) is not automatically updated if the Return Date is changed.

    4. Subpoenas if RFPA compliance enabled:  RFPA now only applies if the Subject is an individual

    5. Garnishments: The default payee is now the Serving Party

  3. Restricting Subject Names in Reports -- Safari now offers an optional setting to limit the export of subject names in reports, particularly beneficial for companies handling law enforcement requests where "subjects" are frequently credit card numbers. This feature aids in adhering to PCI compliance by restricting mass data exports, allowing users to only access reports and downloads with "masked" subject names. For further details, please contact your Safari Customer Success Manager.

  4. Backend Work for a new product -- In early 2024, Safari is set to unveil a new product. We've already finished the principal development and backend infrastructure, and we're looking forward to sharing this exciting announcement.

  5. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

VERREAUX'S EAGLE OWL – a.k.a. the Giant Eagle Owl
The Verreaux's Eagle Owl is among the largest owl species, boasting an impressive wingspan of up to 6 feet. Inhabiting the sub-Saharan African regions, this owl is famous for its deep, echoing hoots that carry across vast distances. As nocturnal predators, they have a lifespan of up to 20 years in the wild. These owls are known for their monogamous relationships and shared parenting responsibilities, with both partners actively involved in nurturing their young.

v4.2.1 - (07/20/2023) (Build 2023.15.00)   

  1. Team-level Support Contact:  For companies with many users, Teams can be used for document requests to designate a support contact when sending responsive documents and invoices.  Team-level support for Serving Parties is useful when you would prefer not to list the individual Reviewer and would rather have a team-designated email for group support.  See "Team Setup" in Setup - Companies, Entities, and Teams.

    1. As part of this enhancement, the label "Offices" has been changed to "Teams".

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v4.2 - Serval (06/24/2023) (Build 2023.13.00) 

Serval Videos:
  1. Rolling Productions (add documents to a delivery portal while it is open) (4+ minutes)
  2. Subfolders (3+ minutes)
  3. Set the Expiration Date for a Delivery Portal (1+ minute)
  4. Instructions to Serving Party (3 minutes)
  1. Rolling Productions (add documents and subfolders to an open delivery portal) – You can now add new documents to an open delivery portal. To push a new document to the portal that you have added to the RESPONSE folder, check a box and click SAVE. Safari will notify the Serving Party / Recipient of any new documents and mark them as new in the portal. You can also create production volumes with subfolders, which will organize your responsive documents in the portal for the Serving Party.

    1. Help page:  SecureShare - Rolling Productions

    2. Help page:  SecureShare - Serving Party Experience

  2. Subfolders – Serval lets you create, upload and move subfolders within Safari. You can also use subfolders with the SecureShare portal (see below). 

    1. Limitations of subfolders

      1. Only one level of subfolders can be created (i.e., you can't create subfolders within subfolders).

      2. Template PDFs and correspondence cannot be generated in subfolders.  For template PDFs, you can generate the PDF in the top-level folder (e.g., RESPONSE), and then move it to a folder.  For template correspondence, it can be generated in the top-level folder only and cannot be moved to a subfolder.

    2. Help page: Doc – Folders and Subfolders

    3. Help page for administrators setting up subfolder groups: Setup - Subfolder Groups

  3. Editable SecureShare Portal Expiration Date -- System Admins can set a default portal expiration date by Subtype.  Within a matter, users can change the expiration date, whether opening a new portal or for an open portal.

    1. Help page:  SecureShare - Closing / Expiration

  4. Instructions to Serving Party -- You can add instructions in the portal for the Serving Party / Requester and choose whether they need to acknowledge them before downloading any documents.  If acknowledgment is required, it will be recorded in the audit history and a copy with proof of acknowledgment will be emailed to the Serving Party / Requester.

    1. Help page: SecureShare - Instructions to Serving Party

  5. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

Servals are sometimes called the “cat of spare parts” or the “giraffe cat” because of their small head, long neck, and extra-long legs.  Servals also have the largest ears of any cat relative to their body size (for comparison, our ears would be as big as dinner plates!). Their ears can rotate 180 degrees and hear the high-pitched sounds of rodents.  These unique features make servals great hunters. They catch their prey in more than half of their tries, which is much higher than cheetahs or even lions hunting in a pack.  At Safari, we don't have serval-sized ears, but we work hard to listen to our customers, and this release is the product of your wonderful ideas and suggestions.  Thank you!

Photo copyright Steven T. Waterman, an avid amateur wildlife photographer, used with permission. He captured this stunning serval in the wild during a safari in Tanzania. Steve generously shared this photo with Safari SOP, as he noticed a deficiency of cats in our product release mascots.

v4.1 - Bateleur Eagle (04/29/2023) (Build 2023.09.00)   

Bateleur Eagle Videos:
  1. Main features (4 minutes): Bateleur Eagle video
  2. BSA Notifications for financial institutions : BSA Notifications
  1. Serving Party lookup -- To save users time and data entry, Safari has added a purpose-built lookup feature to search for and auto-populate a Serving Party's information if they have previously served your company.

    1. Help page: Workflow - Entering Data / Audit History  

    2. Help page: Setup - Serving Party Data (Address Book)

  2. Template variables with PII can now be masked -- You can now select variables for template documents or correspondence that masks PII information (showing *** and only the last 4 characters).  This is particularly important for any document or email/fax that you are sending outside of your company.  The same masked data option now also exists in reports.

    1. Help page: See the section "Specialized Variables" in the help page Setup - Templates and Library  

  3. BSA Notification Workflow (for financial institutions) -- Enable a workflow in subpoenas and document requests to ensure a BSA analysis, and if necessary, an internal notification has occurred.

    1. Help page: See the section "BSA Notification Tracking" in the help page Setup - Subtypes

  4. Features for delivering documents to your own outside counsel -- Because of the simplicity and security of using the SecureShare portal to deliver documents, which includes audit history and full reporting, companies are now using Safari to deliver first-party litigation documents and materials to their outside counsel.  Safari has added setup features to tailor this experience for outside counsel.

    1. Help page: Delivery to your Outside Counsel

  5. Configure default Type Shown on Matter Listing pages -- If you work on subpoena matters only, or garnishment mattes only, you can now change your default view on all matter listing pages to be either Document Request (for subpoenas) or Garnishment (for account garnishments and levies).

    1. Help page: User Profile Settings

  6. "Subject Names" added as a field in Reports.  You can now build reports with the field "Subject Names," which displays the full list of Subject names in a matter.

  7. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

Found in sub-Saharan Africa, Bateleur eagles are considered one of the most iconic and charismatic birds of prey in Africa. The name "bateleur" comes from the French word for tightrope walker or acrobat, which refers to the bird's distinctive aerial maneuvers and flying style. With a timely flap of their long, broad wings, they glide and soar through the air, often performing impressive aerial acrobatics. Bateleur eagles have excellent eyesight, which they use to spot prey from high altitudes, up to 10,000 feet in the air. These capabilities inspired our new serving party lookup feature -- type a few quick characters to have an eagle eye search of prior serving parties, which can then be effortlessly selected for the new matter.

v4.0.3 - (03/15/2023) (Build 2023.06.00)   

  1. Date Fields -- Configurable Date Dropdown Lists:  For all the "due date" fields, your company can configure a date picker (e.g., 21 days from Date Served) to simply date identification and data entry.  For more information, see Setup - Date Dropdowns.

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v4.0.2 - (02/16/2023) (Build 2023.04.00)   

  1. Cost Recovery can be Disabled by Subtype:  For subpoena matters, invoicing can now be turned off and none of the financial fields are shown.

  2. Adding Participants -- picklist now shows role and office.  This feature is helpful when you also have your outside counsel as users in your system who work on matters.

  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v4.0.1 - (01/20/2023) (Build 2023.02.00)   

  1. Added Fields to the Cost Recovery Report:  the new fields simplify reporting for edge cases where there is more than one payment or the SecureShare portal had to be closed and reopened after the first invoice was paid.  Some of the new fields include:

    1. Response Total Payment Amount -- This field is the total of all payment fields and amounts (e.g., including Prepayment amount)

    2. Total SecureShare Payment Amount -- This field is the total of all invoices paid via credit card using Safari's paywall if there have been more than one invoice in a matter

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

v4.0 - Pongo (01/06/2023) (Build 2023.01.00)   

Video Walkthrough of Pongo (10 minutes): Pongo Release Video 
  1. Auto-Assign Reviewers to new matters -- this new Subtype configuration allows your company to automatically assign a Reviewer when a new matter is created (whether downloaded from a registered agent, from an intake email, or a manually created matter) using a round robin or weighting approach to assigning the next reviewer.

    1. Video Tutorial (5 mins)

    2. Help page: See "Automatic Review Assignment" in Setup - Subtypes.  

  2. Customize Columns in matter list views -- on the main listing pages in Safari, Administrators can now change the last four columns of data (e.g. replace Subject with the Matter Name). 

    1. Video Tutorial (2 mins)

    2. Help page: Setup - Matter List Columns

  3. Implement Document Retention Policies -- implement your document retention policies in Safari by specifying in Subtype setup when documents are to be deleted after a matter has closed

    1. Help page: Setup - Auto-Delete Documents

  4. Fax PDFs - Safari's fax correspondence functionality now includes the ability to attach a PDF to the fax.

    1. Help page: Corresp. - Fax Cover Page & Attachments

  5. Resend Email with Attachments -- users can resent an email with attachments without having to re-upload attachments

  6. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

Pongo is the genus name for an orangutan, which evolved from gorillas and humans over 15 million years ago. Sadly, their habitat is now limited to mostly in the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia.  They weigh between 100 and 200 pounds, and are the heaviest mammal to be almost exclusively arboreal. They typically move slowly through trees, to test the weight limit of branches with a variety of creative postures.  Like Safari, they are very skilled at problem-solving, using new tools, and adapting with better techniques.  An orangutan has a warm, soft face with gentle, kind eyes. Their strong, defined jawline is framed by a mane of shaggy, rust-colored hair. Overall, the face of an orangutan exudes intelligence, compassion, and a deep sense of understanding.

v3.2 - Dassie (11/11/2022) (Build 2022.23.00)   
  1. Document Bulk Actions -- select one or more documents in a folder to download, move to another folder, or delete.

  2. Collections Workflow Tools 

    1. Collections folder.  Subpoenas and Document Request matters now have an additional folder called "Collections".  Upload documents into this folder for review, then move them to the Response folder for delivery.

    2. Uploader Role. Special new system role for users who are only responsible for uploading documents.  They can upload documents only into the Collections folder.

  3. Template Documents in any folder -- your company's administrators can now create templates in any folder, which can be used in many ways

    1. Letter templates in the Correspondence folder that have to be printed and physically mailed

    2. Complex invoice formates (e.g., including number of pages and a per page charge)

  4. Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements

The rock hyrax is called a Dassie in Afrikaans. This medium-sized terrestrial mammal is native to Africa and the Middle East. It is the African elephant's closest living relative, despite their significant size difference. Rock hyraxes are able to climb on steep rock surfaces because they can shape their feet to create vacuum-like suction to solid surfaces.  Like a hungry teenager, it uses its wide mouth to take large bites of grass and quickly fill its stomach.  

v3.1.3 (10/01/22) (Build 2022.20.00)  

  1. NEW Library for your company's policy and reference documents - Safari's Library feature can now be used to store important policy documents, reference materials, company specific manuals, and anything else you would like to make available to your users. For Library setup information, see Setup - Library.
  2. Filter templates (documents and correspondence) by Type or Subtype - This new setup capability will allow you to limit templates to be visible and used in only designated Types and/or Subtypes.  For more information, see Setup - Templates.
  3. List of RFPA state statutes now editable - If your company is a financial institution, you are now able to specifically identify which states you would like to designate as RFPA states (which triggers certain field and compliance requirements for document requests and subpoenas if RFPA warnings are turned on).  For more information about the RFPA warning and setup, see Setup - Compliance and Warnings.
  4. Other miscellaneous improvements

v3.1.2 (08/31/22) (Build 2022.18.00)  

  1. New "Document" Report - Generate a list of documents that have been uploaded or delivered to a portal
  2. CSC Automated Download - CSC transmittal page - This document is now part of the download and is stored in the Served folder
  3. Extension field added to phone number fields 
  4. Other miscellaneous improvements

v3.1.1 (08/17/22) (Build 2022.17.00)  

  1. Notes - Improved Notes display so the Author's name is shown first and more prominently
  2. Current date format in templates - New template variable to select for the Current Date to be in “letter-style” (e.g., August 18, 2022)
    1. TIP: you will need to manually update your templates with this new variable to use this format for Current Date
  3. Entity address in invoice - The Entity address in a Safari auto-generated invoice (if the Entity address is filled out in the Entity setup page).  To see how the address is show, see the help file on Setup - Invoices.
  4. Case number searching - When searching for a case number on a matter list page, any dashes in the Case No. field in matters will be ignored.  (This is helpful in the situation when the requestor asks for a status update and provides a case number without dashes.)
  5. Other post 3.1 cleanup items

v3.1 - Giraffe (07/22/2022) (Build 2022.15.00)   

v3.0.1 (04/14/22) (Build 2022.08.00)  

  1. RFPA Certificate and Compliance Tracking Fields — New functionality to support financial institution’s compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) - see Setup - RFPA Compliance

v3.0 - Ostrich (03/25/2022) (Build 2022.07.00)    

Periodically, Safari's development team devotes "backend" work to framework and code updates that improve performance, reliability, and security.  Although there are no new product features, our performance metrics indicate v3.0 has delivered at least a 15% improvement in system speed and many other reliability enhancements.  These investments will also enable more serviceable code to keep Safari at the forefront of SaaS technology and operations.  We named this release “Ostrich” to highlight our commitment to not only run fast – but to run fast for a long time to come.

The fastest long-distance runner on the planet is the African ostrich (Struthio camelus), which also happens to be the world’s biggest bird.  While the fastest humans can run a marathon (~26 miles) in just over two hours, it’s estimated an ostrich would finish in about 40 minutes and would keep going strong. Their top-end speed is remarkable too, at over 40 mph.  While they can’t fly, they actually spread their wings for balance when running at high speeds

There are three reasons for an ostrich’s – and Safari’s – long-distance speed:
  1. Light, long legs – An ostrich’s legs give it both a high step frequency and a long step length (sometimes up to 25 feet).  Safari’s long powerful legs come from building our platform leveraging solutions such as Microsoft Azure, Stripe, Twilio, and Okta, all multi-billion dollar companies that provide the highest performance, security, and stability.
  2. Stable joints – Ligaments rather than muscles make an ostrich’s joints more stable and consume less energy than those of humans.  Safari’s modern API’s are our highly evolved joints, connecting backend databases with the user interface and providing a system that scales with volume, automates deployments, and can be integrated with companies’ other systems.
  3. Making ground contact – When running at high speed, an ostrich’s toes dampen impact stress and its toe claw penetrates the ground like a hammered spike to ensure a reliable grip.  The ground we connect with are Safari’s customers, who provide us amazing ideas, feedback, and shared experiences.

v2.5.1 (12/22/21) (Build 2021.26.00)  

  1. Signature Image Variable for Templates — Create correspondence and response documents from templates with the Current User's or the Reviewer's signature image (image stored by users in their User Profile). 
  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

v2.5 - Honey Badger (12/10/2021) (Build 2021.25.00)    

  1. SecureShare Portal Enhancements 

    1. One-time PIN:  The one-time PIN adds a layer of security for each SecureShare portal.  The Issuer will receive the one-time PIN via email or fax (as selected by the Issuer) after entering the portal login credentials (see SecureShare - Issuer Experience page for screenshots).  In the Company setup page, system Admins can make the PIN always required or optional for each matter.   

    2. Additional email recipient:  When delivering portal login credentials, you can specify an additional email address so that more than one person at the Issuer can access the portal.  This is helpful if someone else at the Issuer will be downloading documents. 

    3. Portal reminder emails:  Safari will automatically send reminders 5, 3, and 1 day before the portal expires.  You can also manually trigger Safari to send reminder emails.  

    4. Old browser resiliency:  Safari revamped the SecureShare code base eliminating most javascript and other types of code that caused problems with old browsers and certain browser settings.

  2. Template Enhancements 

    1. Subject field variables:  All the fields for Subjects 1-5 are selectable variables for correspondence and response templates.

    2. Current user variable:  The current user fields (e.g. name, email, phone, etc.) can be added as variables in correspondence and response templates.

    3. Reply-to address:  Designate the reply-to address for correspondence to be the current user, the Reviewer, or the Entity's support contact.

  3. Transfer Enhancements 

    1. Transfer escalation emails:  This feature is for companies that intake and triage all SOP in Safari.  You can now configure Safari to send an escalation email if a transfer to another team or system outside of Safari has not confirmed receipt within a designated period of time.  This helps ensure that transfers are timely and verified.

    2. Manual transfer option:  Rather than sending transfers by email, companies can also setup Subtypes for manual transfer (i.e., no transfer email is sent).  

  4. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvement

    1. Date Range by Subject:  Each Subject now has date range fields to specify the time period for the document request.  If you have more than one subject, the date range field will default to the date range of the first subject, but the dates can be changed.  There is no longer a date range in the Primary section.

    2. Matter Name field:  This is a new field added to the Additional section.  

Thanks to our customers at Safari’s first Client Summit in November for selecting Honey Badger — an apropos mascot for our revamped SecureShare portal.   Living throughout sub-Saharan Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and western Asia, the honey badger’s favorite snack is honey and honeybee larvae.  But, their eating choices are diverse, including insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, as well as roots, bulbs, berries, and fruits.  It has few natural predators because of its thick skin, resiliency, and fearless defensive abilities

v2.4.1 (09/29/21) (Build 2021.20.00)  

  1. Added Entity Prioritization for Entity Served — On the Entity Setup page, you can now designate whether an Entity will be shown at the top of the Entity Served picklist in a matter (change the setting from "Standard" to "Preferred").
  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

v2.4 - Caracal (09/15/21) (Build 2021.19.00)    

  1. Public APIs We now provide public API access to Safari's backend databases and processing logic so that our customers can integrate with all the data, documents and processes in Safari.  Learn more.

    1. Background:  The Safari application is an API-centric technology.  This means that the front end of our application (the web pages you see and interact with) communicates with our backend/databases using APIs.  This is a state-of-the-art architecture, leveraging the most modern code and development technologies.  For the first time, we are enabling our customers to access and take advantage of this architecture.  

    2. Example 1:  Customers that use Safari for full SOP intake and triage can now integrate Safari into other systems, such as litigation and HR systems.  Many companies receive thousands of wage garnishments, and automating that feed will save significant time each year transferring wage garnishments to your company's HR system.

    3. Example 2:  Using APIs, banks and financial institutions can instantly check the SSN or EIN for the subject of a subpoena against their own databases to see if the person/entity is a customer.  This can save significant time over the year if the financial institution receives lots of "spam" subpoenas.

  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

Similar to APIs, the caracal cat is mostly hidden and not easy to observe unless you know where to look.  APIs are everywhere in our Safari, just like the cat that roams the savannas, deserts, and forests of real Safari and much of Africa.  APIs are a unique hallmark of our system, just like this cat's large, regal pointy ears, with a long black tip.  Our APIs and the Caracal's ears are not only a distinguishing characteristic, they are highly functional.  The Caracal's extraordinary ears each have over 20 muscles that swivel around like satellite dishes to detect sounds of their prey. 

v2.3 - Wildebeest (08/20/21) (Build 2021.17.00)    


v2.2.3 (08/04/21) (Build 2021.16.00)  

  1. Changes to email addresses in email sent by Safari 
    1. Changes the FROM address for Safari emails to "no-reply@safarisop.com" and "no-reply@secure-share.com"
    2. Includes a "reply-to" address  
  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

v2.2.1 (07/07/21) (Build 2021.14.00)  

  1. New Report:  Unconfirmed Transfers - added as a standard report; important for companies implementing Safari to intake and triage all served documents (the report gives you visibility to any document that was transferred to another team or system that has not been confirmed)
  2. List of users with Subtype Access - the Subtype setup page shows a list of users with Subtype Access (visible only by Admins) 
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

v2.2 - Springhare (06/25/21) (Build 2021.13.00)     

  1. INTRODUCING SOP INTAKE AND TRIAGE! — Companies are now using Safari both to manage subpoena response and to automate handling of all incoming service of process.  
    1. Automated, central intake of all served documents
    2. Alerts, information and tools to efficiently figure out how it should be handled
    3. If needed, transfer to the proper system for handling (e.g., wage garnishment -> HR system)
  2. Matter Count Display — The main page left-side display shows the number of matters for Action Alerts, Unassigned, and Assigned to Me. See Left-Side Menus / Lists for more information about how these counts are calculated and displayed.
  3. View Selectors for "Assigned to Me" Listing — For your own list of matters, there are now three different views of active matters (thedefault view is Active - Unresolved).  
    1. Active - Unresolved (anything not yet sent to the portal and any matters with portals that expire unaccessed)
    2. Active - In Portal 
    3. Active - All.  
  4. Unassigned Matter Alert Email — Create an escalation alert email by Subtype for matters that have been unassigned for a specified amount of time.
  5. Entity Name UI Improvements:
    1. Entity Served field — added type-ahead capabilities. If your company has a long list of servable entities, simply start typing in the Entity Served field to quickly find the correct entity.
    2. Entity Name Discrepancy checkbox — improves the UI for showing the field if the Issuer served an incorrect entity (also a reportable field).  
    3. Entity Short Name — Entity setup page now includes an Entity Short Name, which can be used in Correspondence Templates.
  6. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

Native to southern Africa, the Springhare's name is derived from its ability to leap over 6 feet with powerful hind legs resembling a small kangaroo.  It is a nocturnal rodent (not a hare) that eats mostly plants and some insects. It will typically dig several burrows in a circle, but will live in each burrow for only several days at a time. Learn more about this unusual animal:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_springhare

v2.1.1 (05/27/21) (Build 2021.11.00) 

  1. Co. Short Name re-added as a variable in templates 
  2. Added new field (File Name) to Library Template
  3. Miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

v2.1 - Galago (04/16/21) (Build 2021.08.00)     

  1. Subtype Access - You can now grant access to users by Subtype (setting in each user's profile).  
  2. Served Entity Picklist - The Entity Served field in each matter is now picklist of Entities, which can be edited by your company's Admins.  For companies with more than one Entity, this field serves several purposes, including (i) ensuring data integrity for the Entity Served field, and (2) enabling correspondence and template files to be create specific to that Entity, such as with that Entity's logo.  Below are several more attributes about this field:
    1. The Entity address and logo fields can be used as variables in templates.
    2. If your Company has only one Entity, the field is automatically prefilled for users so they don't even have to make a selection. 
    3. If the Issuer specified the wrong Entity or there is a name discrepancy, users can enter that information in the accompanying "Incorrect Entity Name" field.
  3. Support Option of Reviewer vs. Entity-Level Person - Admins can now specify who provides support to Issuers for questions about responsive documents and the invoice (note that technical support is provided by Safari to Issuers).  This support can either be the Reviewer for the specific matter, or it can always be a designated person.  Admins can adjust this setting in the Entity setup page
  4. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

GALAGO - a.k.a. "bush babies" 
The Galago's home is in sub-Sahara Africa (its Afrikaan name nagapies means "night monkeys"). Their large eyes give them special night vision.  They snatch insects out of the air or catch them on the ground, tracking them with their bat-like ears.  They are fast, agile creatures with strong hind legs and long tails that help them balance. Learn more about this captivating little critter:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galago  

v2.0.1 (03/31/21) (Build 2021.07.00) 

  1. Miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v2.0 - Aardwolf (03/04/21) (Build 2021.05.00)    

  1. Notes with @ mentions  - Users can enter one or more notes in a new Notes workspace.  While entering a note, type @ and the user's name to automatically send an email to the user with the content of the note.  Common use cases include:
    1. Note to Next Reviewer :  When you make a note when assigning the next Reviewer, use the @ mention feature to automatically send an email to the next Reviewer with the note included in the email.
    2. Note to Other User :  Use the @ mention feature to make a note to any user who can access the matter, and Safari will automatically send the user an email with the note.
    3. Note to Yourself :  If you have to do other work, enter a note to remind yourself of the remaining issues.
  2. Email Intake of Served Documents  - This is the fastest way to create store a served document in a new matter.  Email the scanned served document as an attachment to a Safari-designated email address (called the intake email address).  Safari will (1) create a matter and show it in the Unassigned list, (2) save the served document file in the Served folder, and (3) save a copy of the email in the Internal folder.  There are several ways this email can be used:
    1. Scan Served Documents directly into Safari :   Most scanners can be setup to scan and email a file.  This will enable the scanned file to show up immediately in Safari.
    2. Email from branch office:   Branch offices are often served with subpoenas and document requests.  They can now scan the served paper and email it to the intake email address, which will automatically store the served document in a new matter.
    3. Forward email received from branch office/scanner :   Even if your legal process team still wants to receive the email directly from the scanner or the branch office, these emails can be forwarded to the intake email address, which will automatically store the served document in a new matter.
  3. Save Correspondence and Template Files as Drafts  - When using a template to send a correspondence or create a file in the Response folder, you can now save it as a draft.   Common use cases include:
    1. Update variables in left-side data fields :  Sometimes you will have created a correspondence or file from a template, but you need to update one of the fields.  You can now save the draft, update the left-side fields, and then reopen the draft to finalize.
    2. Save edits for review :  Sometimes you may need to edit a correspondence or standard form, and want to review it later or have someone else review it.  Save it as a draft to enable this review.
  4. Create File from Screenshot Directly in Safari  - Use any screen capture tool to copy a screenshot to your clipboard, then paste directly into Safari ( Windows:  Ctrl-v; Mac:  command-v).
  5. New Participant Email Notification  - When you manually add a participant to a matter, Safari will automatically send a notification email to the participant.      
  6. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 
The Aardwolf is native to Africa (its name means "earth-wolf" in Afrikaans). Growing to about 20 inches tall, Aardwolf is shy, doesn't eat meat, stays in his burrow during the day because he doesn't like sun, and is "a mass killer of insects."  Learn more about this magnificent animal:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aardwolf 

v1.5.7 (02/17/21) (Build 2021.04.00) 

  1. Miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.5.6 (02/03/21) (Build 2021.03.00) 

  1. File size upload increased to 10 GB  - Also shows the percent of progress while uploading .
  2. Better UI for multiple file upload  - Shows total file size to be uploaded and the percent of progress of while uploading; can also view the process of each individual file upload.
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.5.5 (01/20/21) (Build 2021.02.00) 

  1. Miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.5.4 (01/06/21) (Build 2021.01.00) 

  1. Resend previously sent correspondence  - Click the icon to the right to easily send a correspondence to a new recipient .
  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.5.3 (12/09/20) (Build 2020.25.00) 

  1. Improved SecureShare UX for Issuers downloading response files  -  A progress meter is shown so they can visually see that large file downloads are progressing .
  2. "Save As" for templates  - Saves admins time when creating multiple, similar templates.
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.5.2 (11/27/20) (Build 2020.24.00) 

  1. Portal deliveries to the same issuer will use the same portal credentials  -  Reopening a portal or extending a portal will NOT change the Response ID and passcode.   This is a usability enhancement that improves the experience for Issuers.
  2. File attachment names now editable  - Open the file attachment view to edit the name.
  3. New "Signature" font for templates (correspondence and response attachments)
  4. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.5.1 (11/11/20) (Build 2020.23.00) 

  1. New Reviewer Emails   -  Frequent system users can turn off in user profile.  
  2. Added "Other System/Dept" as a closed status
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

v1.5 - Firefinch (10/30/20) (Build 2020.22.00) 

  1. Correspondence Folder  - Users can upload correspondence received from issuers, and create and send correspondence, in a new Correspondence folder.  
  2. Templates to auto-create and send Correspondence - Admin users can create template Correspondence in the "Library" with variables from any Safari field; users can select a template from within the Correspondence folder, make edits if necessary, and then fax or email directly from Safari.
    1. Set up templates in the Library
    2. Auto-generate and send correspondence from templates

  3. Templates to auto-create response files - Admin users can create template  files in the "Library" with variables from any Safari field; users can select a template from within the Response folder, make edits if necessary, and then save the file as a PDF to be delivered with other responsive files.
    1. Auto-generate Response files from templates            

  4. Customizable Reports - Users can customize reports and save for future use.    
    1. Save custom reports
  5. Updated UI - The left-side navigation has streamlined links to reduce clicks, and a new "textured" look.  The UI for a matter is cleaner, and easier to process visually.     
  6. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.4.4 (9/30/20) (Build 2020.20.00)

  1. IE11 browser no longer permitted  -  IE 11 or lower browsers not allowed (not including SecureShare portal)
  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.4.3 (9/16/20) (Build 2020.19.00)

  1. Return Date  - Added a "Return Date" field, which is the date the response is requested by the Issuer.  Adding this field allows users to record the original date requested by the Issuer, but specify a different "Due Date" for deadline tracking.  In other words, the Due Date field is still the date identified in the system when the response is due (i.e., this is the date shown on lists of subpoenas, and for calculating the number of days remaining).  The Due Date field will automatically be the Return Date value, unless the user types in a different Due Date.
  2. Portal UI: Added support contact information for Safari  - The SecureShare portal now includes a support section directing the Issuer to the company Coordinator for questions about the response, and to Safari for any technical issues with the portal.
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.4.2 (9/2/20) (Build 2020.18.00)

  1. Configurable Subtypes - Subtypes are now configurable by company administrators.  You company can now add or deactivate subtypes, or change the name of an existing subtype.
  2. Portal UI: Confirmation warning to issuers who click the button to close the portal - When a subpoena issuer now clicks the button to confirm receipt of the delivered files to close the portal, the issuer must now confirm that they want to close the portal.
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.4.1 (8/19/20) (Build 2020.17.00)

  1. New Subject Notes field - There is a new text area for each subject to make notes.  
  2. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements

v1.4 Gazelle (8/5/20) (Build 2020.16.00) 

  1. New Reporting Engine  - Safari has integrated the reporting engine FlexMonster, which provides Excel-like capabilities, such as filtering, field picking, column reordering, and easy exporting of data.
  2. 4 New PreConfigured Reports - Safari has pre-built the most popular reports requested:
    1. All Matters                             
    2. Open Matters                             
    3. Cost Recovery
    4. Response Duration
  3. Other miscellaneous fixes and UI improvements 

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