Welcome to Safari!

Welcome to Safari!

Safari is the only purpose-built solution for legal order processing teams handling the intake of served documents, third-party subpoenas, document requests, account garnishments, and levies.  

Safari has three modules: 
  1. Served Document Management
  2. Subpoena Response
  3. Account Garnishment Processing
Whether your company is large or small, you can easily implement any or all of these modules for a single team or separately for multiple teams.  
DELIVERING DOCUMENTS TO YOUR OWN OUTSIDE COUNSEL.  Companies are also using Safari's SecureShare portal to deliver first-party litigation documents and materials to their outside counsel. It's an easier and more secure solution than encrypted email or setting up SFTP sites.  For more information, see the help topic about Delivery to Outside Counsel.

Served Document Management

When using Safari to triage served documents, Safari's mission is to provide visibility and a fail-safe process to review and distribute served documents to the correct departments and people.  Our purpose-built solution transforms a “legal junkyard” of served documents, typically managed with spreadsheets and email, into an audited intake log that enables transfers to other systems and teams with verified receipt, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.  And for subpoenas and account garnishments, if your company has implemented those modules, the documents can be immediately handled in Safari without any transfer.

Features and Benefits

Reduce risk with visibility over everything in one place
  1. Immediate visibility of everything served on your company
  2. Audited served document log automatically captured
  3. Management reports built in
Automate intake
  1. Save time and data entry by automating the download of all served documents from your registered agent (or just those that you want to triage in Safari)
  2. For manually served documents, simplify initial logging with Intake Emails
Consistent review of served documents
  1. Ensure review is timely and completed
  2. Route to lawyers if necessary for review
  3. Alerts of duplicate service
  4. Configure system warnings of documents served with invalid jurisdiction
Secure, confirmed transfer with audit trail
  1. The transferee (person receiving the served document) does NOT need to be a user in Safari
  2. For high volumes, enable direct transfer to other systems with Safari's APIs (e.g., sending wage garnishments to your HR system)
  3. Transfer workflow includes built-in confirmation tracking to ensure nothing slips through the cracks
  4. Alerts if transferred documents not timely acknowledged as received
  5. All transfers are secure and encrypted
Easy to implement
  1. Module can be implemented in a 60-minute session with Safari
  2. No IT support required - Safari is fully configurable online to enable this solution


Below is a visual diagram of the Served Document Management workflow in Safari:

Subpoena Response

With this module, Safari's mission is to provide you control and improved productivity over this high-volume process with third parties.  Our purpose-built system simplifies and automates intake, correspondence, document delivery, and payment collection.

Features and Benefits

Automation and productivity
  1. Save time and data entry by automating the download of subpoenas from your registered agent
  2. For manually served documents, simplify initial matter creation with Intake Emails
  3. Templates for correspondence and standard form documents are pre-populated with meta-data about the subpoena or document request
  4. Notes and @mention allows you to record key information, and easily share information and collaborate with colleagues
Secure, easy, audited response delivery
  1. No limits on file size, file type, or number of files for delivery, and our specially-built upload capability is extra fast
  2. Permanent audit record of when documents sent, accessed, and downloaded by the serving party
  3. All document deliveries are fully encrypted (at rest and during transmission)
  4. Two-factor authentication built in
Invoicing and payment collection
  1. Auto-generate invoices to receive payment of your costs, or attach your own specific invoice if needed
  2. Serving party pays invoice with credit card at the time it downloads your response documents
Compliance and risk reduction
  1. Quickly identify subpoenas served in states with invalid jurisdiction
  2. Financial institutions can configure RFPA compliance warnings
  3. Alerts of duplicate subpoenas
Management reporting and auditing
  1. Review matter volumes for resource planning
  2. All actions are logged and audited -- no more manual entry of progress in spreadsheets
Easy to implement
  1. Module can be implemented in a couple of sessions with Safari (the record is contract signed and fully implemented in one day)
  2. No IT support required - Safari is fully configurable online to enable this solution

Account Garnishment Processing

For companies who must comply with account garnishments and levies, Safari's mission is to deliver peace of mind as you process legal orders to seize funds or assets.  Our purpose-built system improves compliance, visibility, task tracking, and automation to minimize risk.

Features and Benefits

Risk reduction and compliance
  1. One system for everything eliminates spreadsheets and emailing documents
  2. Quickly view any account garnishments for which funds have not been seized
  3. Log and track seized amounts, releases, customer accounts, and payments
  4. Track and receive alerts of key dates (e.g., Answer date or payment date)
  5. Automated alerts flag duplicate account garnishments or multiple account garnishments for the same customer account
  6. Configure warnings of account garnishments and levies served in states with invalid jurisdiction
  7. Ensure compliance with regulatory agencies by configuring fields and warnings based on your policies
Automation and productivity
  1. Save time and data entry by automating the download of account garnishments and levies from your registered agent
  2. For manually served documents, simplify initial matter creation with Intake Emails
  3. Templates for correspondence and standard form documents are pre-populated with meta-data about the account garnishment
  4. Notes and @mention allows you to record key information, and easily share information and collaborate with colleagues
Management reporting and auditing
  1. Quickly confirm current total seized amount in Safari matches GL account of seized funds
  2. Track fees collected from garnishers and customers
  3. Review matter volumes for resource planning
  4. All actions are logged and audited -- no more manual entry of progress

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