Workflow - Editing Data / Audit History

Workflow - Editing Data / Audit History


This help page gives you information and tips about editing data in a matter, including your ability to look up and auto-populate serving party data.  You'll also learn about the audit history that Safari captures for you about any changes to matter information.  See the help topics about documents for information about uploading and adding documents.
IMPORTANT NOTE:   Whenever you enter information in a field, upload a document, delete information or a document, etc., the update will NOT save in Safari until you click SAVE  in the upper left corner.

Matter fields organized in sections

Safari organizes matter information into sections on the left.  Click on the section name to expand or collapse the section or click the icon at the top to expand all or collapse all sections.

  1. Primary – Generally the required fields
  2. Serving Party – Law firm, government agency, or entity to be contacted about the served document
  3. Issuing Authority / Forum – Fields about the authority that issued the legal order; it is a configuration option set up by system Owners, so you may see it in a specific matter
  4. Subjects – Person(s) or entity(ies) subject to the document request or garnishment; for garnishments the Subject is the debtor
  5. Financial –
    1. Subpoenas / Document Requests:  the fields relating to invoicing, such as Inv. type, prepayments, and payment info
    2. Levies / Garnishments: the fields relate to the judgment/lien amount, releases, accounts, and payments 
  6. Creditor/Payee - Section and fields shown for garnishments only
  7. Additional – Information such as the plaintiff & defendant, document title, court, etc.   

Required Fields

Safari has two types of required fields: hard required (must have a value to Save) and soft required (must have a value to change the status, or in some cases to deliver responsive documents).  Required fields are depicted by a colored line to the left:

 Red   = hard required                                               

 Orange   = soft required 

Keyboard Shortcuts


Windows / PC

Apple / Mac


 Alt -  +    s -

 Option -  +    s -


 Alt -  +   w -

 Option -  +    w -

  Collapse all sections
 Ctrl+Shift  +   [ 
 Ctrl+Shift  +    [
   Expand all sections
 Ctrl+Shift  +   ] 
 Ctrl+Shift  +   ] 

Paste image as file                                    

 Ctrl -  +   v -

 command -  +    v-

Notes about Specific Fields

Case No.

If there's no case number, enter an identifier (e.g., Serving Party's internal ID or Safari Response ID). Avoid using "None" or "N/A". 

Entity Served / Incorrect Entity Name

From time to time, serving parties may incorrectly serve your company with incomplete, out of date or misspelled company names.  Your company's policy determines how you choose to respond; either closing the matter as invalid or accepting service despite the name discrepancy.  Safari allows you to track and report incorrect entity served data if you choose to accept requests sent incorrectly. 

In the left-hand data capture of a matter, when you choose the ENTITY SERVED from your pick list, there is also a box you can tick that says ENTITY NAME DISCREPANCY, which opens a free text field.  Assuming you're willing to accept service, choose the entity accepting service from your list, and tick the box to enter the Entity named in the INCORRECT ENTITY NAME field.


Serving Party Lookup

To minimize data entry about the Serving Party / Requestor, Safari offers you a purpose-built lookup feature to search for and auto-populate a Serving Party's information in a matter if they've previously served your company.

How to use the lookup
1. Click the magnifying glass to the right of the Serving Party section, which opens a search field. 
Note: You won't be able to use the magnifying glass search function if your Safari system Owner has enabled the Delivery to Your Outside Counsel feature for that matter Subtype.
2. Type in at least three characters to obtain search results.  Safari searches the Contact Name and Contact Email fields.
3. Click on a card to fill in the serving party data and close the search.  (If you don't find the right serving party, click the "X" in the search bar to close.)
SEARCHING FOR CONTACTS AT AN ORGANIZATION:    If you want to search for all contacts at an organization, type the domain name of the email address.  For example, in the image below, the law firm domain is "" By searching for the domain, two contacts are displayed for the firm:

Details about the Search Results
  1. Newest results shown first.  The search results display by the newest entries to oldest.  In other words, if you have a list of serving parties that satisfy your search criteria, Safari displays the most recently active contacts. 
  2. Selecting a serving party card overwrites data in the serving party fields.  If you had already entered information in the serving party fields, but then search and find a serving party contact, the selected contact data overwrites any data in your fields (including if the card selected has blanks, the blank replaces data you previously entered).
  3. Correcting Serving Party data.  If the Serving Party data shown in a card isn't accurate, if you select the card and then correct the data in the matter, Safari updates it in the card for future searches. 
    1. Note: Safari doesn't update the card in the lookup until you deliver documents to the Serving Party in a document request matter, or you close a garnishment matter.  If you want the Serving Party information immediately updated, contact a system Owner or Admin, who can access Serving Party lookup information and update it immediately -- see Setup - Serving Party Data (Address Book).
    2. Note: a NEW card is created if either the contact Name or Email Address is changed prior to the portal opening for document requests, or a garnishment matter is closed.

Individual Subject Names

Safari now displays individual subject names with more detail beyond one field, including First, Middle, Last names and Suffix.
Note: If the number of characters in each field exceeds the box, simply expand the divider to the right to show all of the characters in each field as shown below. 

Audit History

Safari logs all data changes, which are viewable in the audit history for a Matter.  View the audit history by clicking the audit history icon in the Matter header.  Click the icon again to hide the history.

Is there a question we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at
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