Levies - Reports

Levies - Reports

Attachment Orders - Reporting

Net Seized Amounts

The Net Seized Amounts report is limited to matters that satisfy these two criteria:
  1. Matter Type = Garnishment
  2. Net Seized Amount > $0.
Use Cases.  This report is specially designed for companies that seize funds by moving them into a general ledger account, and then make payments from that account. The Net Seized Amounts report, which reflects total funds seized minus total payments disbursed, is a tool to verify that total seized funds recorded in Safari matches the amount in the general ledger account.

Fields.  The fields in the standard report are:
  1. Safari Id
  2. Reviewer - FullName
  3. Sub Type
  4. Status
  5. State Received
  6. Date Received
  7. Date Due (Answer)
  8. Date Due (Payment)
  9. Serving Party Org Name
  10. Creditor Name
  11. Subject 1 - Name
  12. Subject 2 - Name
  13. Subject 3 - Name
  14. Subject 4 - Name
  15. Subject 5 - Name
  16. Garnishment Pending Amount
  17. Garnishment Net Seized Amount
  18. Garnishment Total Payment
  19. Case Number
  20. Entity Served - FullName
  21. Issuing Authority Name
  22. Issuing Authority Address - State
  23. Garnishment Creditor Fee
  24. Garnishment Processing Fee
  25. Financial Notes
Just like any other standard report, you can make various modifications and then save the new report as a custom report.--for example, you can add any of the other matter-level fields, re-order the columns, or create column subtotals.    

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