Workflow - Alerts & Warnings

Workflow - Alerts & Warnings

Overview - Alerts, Warnings, and Escalation Emails

Safari notifies you of issues with alerts, warnings, and escalation emails.  

Action Alerts Dashboard.  You'll see the alerts in a dashboard on Safari's main screen.  The default view is alerts in matters for which you're the reviewer.  You can also change the view to show alerts across all matters in which you have access.  See "Alerts" below for more about which alerts appear on the dashboard.

In a Matter.  
View alerts and warnings at the top left of a matter.  Alerts are in red text just below the Reviewer field.  Warnings are in orange text in a special section called "Compliance."  

For 'Disclosure Prohbited' warnings, they are not shown in the top left, and instead there is a light-red banner that is displayed when viewing the Correspondence folder.

Escalation emails also go to specified users regarding workflow issues.

Differences between Alerts, Warnings, and Escalation Emails

  1. Alerts.  These are notices in a matter about workflow issues (e.g., a failed email delivery).  Alerts also appear on the Action Alerts dashboard on the main page.  To resolve an alert, you must take a specific action (e.g., resend an email).  Once resolved, the alert no longer appears in the matter.  Safari auto-generates alerts and you cannot configure them.     
  2. Warnings.   These are notices about potential legal or compliance issues.  To resolve a warning, you must enter text in the resolution text area; the warning remains visible with the resolution text but it is in a "resolved" state (see image above with WARNING in gray text). However, for the 'Disclosure Prohibited' warning, that is always shown as a light-red banner when viewing the Correspondence folder, and cannot be removed by users.
  3. Escalation Emails.   These are special notices to users or managers about workflow issues (e.g., a transfer recipient failed to download a served document).  You configure Escalation emails in Subtype Setup.     


Types of Alerts 

Here is a list of all the alerts in Safari.  Note: "ALERTmeans an alert appears on the matter and the Action Alerts Dashboard (see more info below). 

Possible duplicate matter
ALERT (no email)  
The Issuer may have served the same served document multiple times.  Safari generates the alert if the Case No. matches another matter.  (No alert generates if the Case No. is "null", "0", "-", "N/A", "NA", "None", "Not Shown", " spam", or "unknown".)
Due date approaching or has passed
ALERT and TABLE LISTS (no email)
On a table list of matters, if the matter has a date due within 10 or fewer days, the table list shows the days remaining.  If the date due is within 5 or fewer days, the days remaining is in red.  If the date has passed, the number of days remaining is a negative number, and the system displays an action alert.
Portal expired but Issuer did not access the portal
ALERT  (no email) 
If you delivered response documents to the Issuer using the SecureShare portal, but the portal expired without the Issuer accessing the portal, then the matter status is automatically "Portal Expired (Unaccessed)".  This status is considered active.  
Portal fax failure
ALERT (no email)
If you attempted to deliver responsive files to the issuer using the SecureShare portal but the fax containing the Response ID and/or passcode failed (e.g., if you entered the wrong fax number, or the issuer’s fax was busy for more than three tries), then the status reverts to "Delivery Setup, and the portal is not opened.
Portal email failure
ALERT  (no email)
If you attempted to deliver response documents to the Issuer using the SecureShare portal but the email containing the Response ID and/or passcode failed (e.g. Safari received a bounce-back because you entered the wrong email address), then the status reverts to "Delivery Setup," and the portal is not opened.
Correspondence fax failure
ALERT  (no email)
If you attempted to send a Correspondence via fax, but the fax containing the Response ID and/or passcode failed (e.g., if you entered the wrong fax number, or the issuer’s fax was busy for more than three tries).
Correspondence email failure
ALERT  (no email)
If you attempted to send a Correspondence via email, but the email containing the Response ID and/or passcode failed (e.g., Safari received a bounce-back because you entered the wrong email address).
Transfer email failure 
ALERT  (no email) 
If you transferred a served document to another system/team, but the email failed (e.g., Safari received a bounce-back because you entered the wrong email address).
Transfer Download Page Expired with No Download                           
ALERT   (no email) 
If the recipient of a transfer hasn't clicked the link to download the served document with 14 days, the link expires, and the system sends an action alert.                   

How to View Alerts

Dashboard - Action Alerts
The Action Alerts dashboard (the top link on the main page) shows all the alert types except for unassigned matters.  The default view is "My Alerts" (upper right corner above the table).  Change the view to "All Users" to view the Action Alerts for all Matters to which you have access.
On Safari's main listing page, the left-side number for the Action Alerts Dashboard shows the number of currently pending alerts for which you are the Reviewer only.  It doesn't include alerts for matters where you're not the Reviewer.
List of Matters     
In a list of matters (e.g., the Unassigned view) only the Date Due appears.  No other alert types appear on the matter listing pages. 
Within a Matter 
If you access a matter, if there is an alert for the matter, it appears below the Reviewer name in the upper left corner.

Within the Correspondence List
Within the Correspondence folder, if delivery failed for the Correspondence, that appears in the list of Correspondence.

How to Resolve Alerts

Possible duplicate matter
There are two ways to turn off the alert: 
(1) In the Links workspace, check the box to "CLEAR ALERT" and click   SAVE . (see image below)
(2) Change the status of one of the matters to be Closed Duplicate.

Due date approaching or has passed
The alert is removed until you have (a) delivered the responsive files to the SecureShare portal, (b) marked a Response with a "Closed" status, or (c) changed the due date to be further in the future.
Portal expired but issuer did not access the portal
Either change the status to "Closed - Issuer Abandoned" or re-open the portal by changing the status to Delivery - Setup.   TIP:   Most users mark the matter as Closed - Issuer Abandoned, and if the Issuer actually wants the documents they will follow up, at which point you can reopen the portal.                    
Portal fax failure
Correct the Issuer's fax number (if necessary), and resend the response documents to the SecureShare portal.
Portal email failure
Correct the Issuer's email address (if necessary), and resend the response documents to the SecureShare portal.
Correspondence fax failure
Correct the fax number (if necessary), and click the resend icon (to the right of the Correspondence file name).   
Correspondence email failure
Correct the email address (if necessary), and click the resend icon (to the right of the Correspondence file name). 
Transfer email failure
WHY DID EMAIL FAIL?  Before trying to resend, take the following steps to discover why the email failed.  1. Confirm with a system Owner that the email address was entered correctly in the Subtype setup page.  2. If the email address is correct, then you'll need to work with your IT department to make sure the Safari email address from which the email is sent ( is on a "white list," and that the email is not blocked.    
HOW TO RESEND - Reopen the matter by changing the status to "Prep Response" and click   SAVE  .  Then change the status back to "Closed Transferred" and click   SAVE  .    
Transfer Download Page Expired with No Download     Reopen the matter by changing the status to "Prep Response" and click   SAVE  .  Then change the status back to "Closed Transferred" and click   SAVE 


Types of Warnings 

Here are all of the configurable warnings in Safari:
TYPE OF WARNING                                                      
No Jurisdiction
WARNING  (shown in matter but no email)   
If this warning is enabled, it displays in a matter whenever State Received or Issuing Authority state doesn't match the states where the Entity accepts service.  However, it does not display if the Issuing Authority type is a federal agency.
Not Domesticated 
WARNING (shown in matter but no email)
If this warning is enabled, it displays in a matter whenever State Received doesn't match the Issuing Authority state.  However, it doesn't display if the Issuing Authority type is a federal agency. 
Disclosure Prohibited
Light-red banner in Correspondence folder (but no email)
If this compliance warning is a field in the matter profile (see Setup - Subtypes), and if the field value is yes, then a light-red banner with the notice 'ALERT - Subject Disclosure Prohibited' is displayed in the Correspondence folder.
Garnishment - Multi-State
WARNING   (shown in matter but no email)  
If this warning is enabled, it displays in a Garnishment-type matter whenever the Issuing Authority doesn't match the Subject/Debtor state or the Account Location state.  However, it doesn't display if the Issuing Authority type is a federal agency.  The reason your company might want to review this situation is to see which state law applies to issues such as exemptions, debtor's rights, etc. 

How to View Warning 

If one or more warnings appear in a matter, they are shown in a "Compliance" section at the top left side of the matter.  

How to Resolve Warnings 

To resolve a warning, enter an explanation in the resolution field.  The resolution text is available in reports and in the audit history for the matter.  Once you enter text, Safari considers the warning resolved, and the WARNING appears in gray text, but the warning and its resolution is still shown in the matter.
IMPORTANT NOTE:  Safari does not provide legal advice and Safari does not specify how to resolve warnings.  You must determine Resolutions by your company's policy.

Escalation Emails

Types of Emails 

Here are the configurable escalation emails in Safari:
TYPE OF EMAIL                                                 
Transfer Unconfirmed Escalation Email
EMAIL    (no action alert)    
If a transferred document is not downloaded/confirmed within the specified number of hours for the Subtype, Safari sends an escalation email to users identifying in the Subtype setup. To learn more about this alert, see Setup - Subtype
Matter Unassigned for more than Specified Limit                                                           
EMAIL    (no action alert)    
If a matter is unassigned for more than the specified number of hours for the Subtype, Safari send an email to users identifying in the Subtype setup. For more information about this alert, see Setup - Subtype.   

Is there a question we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at 

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