Reports - Standard Reports & Fields

Reports - Standard Reports & Fields

Data Sets and Use Cases

Below is a list of the standard reports in Safari, the source of the data for each report, and common use cases.

Data Set
Matter Types
Description / Use Case
All Data
All Types
DESCRIPTION:  This report is the "full" matter report.  It has the complete list of matter fields, fields for Subjects 1-5, and other calculated fields (such as Currently Seized for garnishments).   

  1. Matters created in a specific time period
  2. Matters closed in a specific time period
Open Matters
All Types
DESCRIPTION:   This report is the "full" matter report but limited to open matters (i.e., matters with a phase of "To Do" or "On Hold").  It has the complete list of matter fields, fields for Subjects 1-5, and other calculated fields (such as Currently Seized for garnishments).  

  1. Currently open matters, the Reviewer and status
  2. Matters with an upcoming task this week
Cost Recovery
Document Request only
DESCRIPTION:  This report, limited to the Document Request Type (e.g., subpoenas), provides specialized reporting about invoice payments for cost recovery.   

  1. Amount billed, invoices paid, and net fees received in a specific time period
Currently Seized
Garnishment only
DESCRIPTION:  This report, limited to the Garnishment Type (e.g., account garnishments and levies) and limited to matters in which the Currently Seized amount is >$0, provides specialized reporting about seized amounts and other financial related data.   

  1. Compare Currently Seized total in Safari versus your GL account with seized funds
Response Duration
Document Request only
DESCRIPTION:   This report, limited to the Document Request Type (e.g., subpoenas), provides specialized reporting about the length of time to deliver response documents.

  1. Review historic response times from matter creation to portal delivery date and/or closing the matter to identify baselines
  2. Calculate average response time for the matter by Reviewer
Reviewer History
Document Request only
DESCRIPTION:   This report, limited to Document Requests (e.g., subpoenas), identifies the length of time each Reviewer works on a matter by phase.  
  1. Determine average time to complete the Prep Response phase by Reviewer.
Current Participants
All Types
DESCRIPTION:  Use this report to obtain a list of all users who have 'participant' access to a matter and when they were added. 

  1. If your company assigns users to pull documents for a case, view who has been added as a participant to perform that work.
All Types
DESCRIPTION: Each row contains a document and its meta-data (e.g., Upload Date, Portal Date, etc.).  You can filter by Type, Subtype, and matter folder.

  1. Identify all documents delivered to a specified Serving Party
  2. Search to see if a specific document has ever been delivered to a Serving Party
Transfer Details
All Types
DESCRIPTION: This report provides specialized reporting about matters transferred to another person or system for processing outside of Safari.  

  1. List of all matters transferred in a specific time period
  2. List of all matters transferred to a specific person or system given a time period.
All Types
DESCRIPTION:   This report provides an action list of matters that have been transferred to another person or system, but which have not been confirmed by the recipient.    

  1. Report of any transferred matters that haven't been confirmed


What Fields are in Reports?

Generally, most of the matter fields are available in all reports, although only a few are turned on by default.  If the report has a data set other than matters, then the report also has additional fields unique to that data set.  For example, the Document report has the primary data set of documents, and has document-specific fields such as when the document was uploaded to Safari, delivered to a portal, etc.

Field Details 

Most of the Safari fields are obvious and do not require explanation.  Below is detailed information about some of the fields.    
  1. Answer Attachment Count - This is the number of documents uploaded to the Answer folder in a matter Type of Garnishment, Litigation, or Other.  For a matter Type of Document Request, the number will be 0 because this is not a folder in Document Requests.
  2. Correspondence Attachment Count - The number of documents created in or uploaded to the Correspondence folder in a matter.
  3. Creation Source Name - The person or system that created the matter.
  4. Creation Source Type - The manner by which the matter was created: API, Registered Agent, Intake Email, or Manual.
  5. Date Closed - The date that that status is considered Closed.  For a list of the "Closed" statuses, see the help page about status.            
  6. Date Due (Answer) - In a matter Type of Garnishment, the date corresponding to the status of "To Do - Answer."  To learn more, see the help page about status / due dates.
  7. Date Due (Current) - The Date Due displayed on the matter listing page.  Because some Types have more than one date field, the date shown on the matter listing page links to the current status of the matter.  For example, for a Garnishment, if the status is "To Do - Answer," then the Date Due (Current) will be the "Date Due (Answer)" field in the matter.  But when the matter status is changed to "To Do - Payment," then the Date Due (Current) is the "Date Due (Payment)" field in the matter.  
  8. Date Due (Payment) - In a matter Type of Garnishment, the date corresponding to the status of "To Do - Payment."  To learn more, see the help page about status / due dates.
  9. Date Due (Response) - In a matter Type of Document Request, the date by which response documents should be made available to the Serving Party.  
  10. Date Resolved - The date the portal was opened for response document delivery, or the matter was manually closed.  The intent of this field is to identify the date by which the company no longer needs to do anything, either because the response documents have been sent to the portal, or because the company manually closed the Matter.  Notice that this is different than "Date Closed," because while response documents may have been sent to the portal and are awaiting pickup, the status will be portal pending, and not technically closed.  The primary purpose for this value is to measure how long it takes for a company to resolve their work (which is independent of how long the Matter sits in the portal waiting for pickup by the Serving Party).
  11. Date Sent - The date the response was sent to the Serving Party, whether manually or through the SecureShare portal.              
  12. Date to Return - The date requested by the Issuer, but it is different that the Date Due.  Date Due initially defaults to be the same as the Date to Return, but your company can change the Date Due to be different than the Date to Return.  Typically, you'll make the Date Due different if you ask for and receive more time to respond.  The Date to Return should always be the original date the issuer requests, and therefore does not change even if the Date Due changes.  
  13. Document Size and Document Size (Bytes) - These fields are available in the Documents report and indicate the file size in two different formats.  
    1. Document Size: Displays the file size in kilobytes (KB), such as "112 KB." This field is text-based and cannot be summed in Excel.
    2. Document Size (Bytes): Provides the file size in bytes, which is a numeric value and can be summed in Excel.
Important Note: If you compare these two fields side by side, the values may not appear identical. For example, "66.89 KB" and "68,493 bytes" might seem different, but keep in mind that 1 KB equals 1024 bytes. So, multiplying 66.89 KB by 1024 gives you 68,493 bytes.

  1. Financial Attachment Count - The number of documents created in or uploaded to the Financial folder in a matter.
  2. Forum Same as Issuing Authority - If a Subtype has the Issuing Authority turned on, you can check a box designating that the forum is the same as the Issuing Authority.  ("True" means the checkbox is checked.) 
  3. Garnishment Currently Seized Amount - A dynamically calculated field based on the following formula:  Currently Seized Amount = Total Seized - Total Payments.  For more information, see the help page about Account Garnishments - Financial-Related Data.
  4. Garnishment Judgment Amount - The original amount specified in the garnishment order.  Once entered in Safari, it should not be changed.   
  5. Garnishment Pending Lien Amount - A read-only, dynamically adjusted value showing how much of the original lien amount hasn't been paid.  Safari dynamically modifies the amount as follows:  Pending Lien Amount = Judgment Amount minus (Release Amount and Total Payments).  To learn more, see Account Garnishments - Financial-Related Data.
  6. Garnishment Total Payment Amount - The total of all payments documented in a Garnishment matter.
  7. Garnishment Total Seized Amount - The record of all seized amounts entered in a Garnishment matter.  This value won't change even if there have been payments.
  8. Has Entity Name Discrepancy - The checkbox in a matter to identify if the name of the legal entity on the served document doesn't exactly match one of your Entities in Safari.  "True" means that the box is checked.
  9. Has Restricted Access - The access control setting for the Matter.  It shows either True or False.  
    1. True: the matter is "Locked," which means that the matter is accessible only if the user is the Reviewer, has been granted participant access, or is an Owner or Admin.
    2. False:  the matter is "Unlocked," which means the matter is accessible to any user with "Subtype Access" (see the help topic about Subtype Access for more information).        
  10. Internal Attachment Count - This is the number of documents created in or uploaded to the Internal folder in a matter.
  11. Last SecureShare Processing Fee - This is the fee charged by Stripe (Safari's credit card processor) to process the credit card payment.           
  12. Response Attachment Count - This is the number of documents created in or uploaded to the Response folder in a matter.
  13. Response Custom Invoice Description - This is a field that will have a value only in the situation in which the Invoice type was "Custom / Negotiated Amt.  Thus, if you have manually entered this amount for an invoice, the field allows you to capture the entry in reports.                                            
  14. Response Delivery Method - This is the method selected in the To Do - Delivery phase for the response document delivery method.  It will be via SecureShare (with the method that the credentials are delivered in parenthesis) or the form of manual delivery (e.g., Overnight Mail).
  15. Response Duration Days Total - This is the number of days from the date the matter was created to the Date Resolved (see above).
  16. Response Duration Days Excluding Weekends - This is the "business days" version of the Response Duration Days Total value.
  17. Response Mail Tracking Reference Number - This is a field that will have a value only in the situation in which the delivery method of the response documents was "Manually Delivery" (such as via certified mail), in which case users can enter a mail reference number for audit purposes. 
  18. Response Manual Payment Amount - If the invoice type for a Document Request matter is "Manually Send Invoice," then a field is shown to enter the manual payment amount in the matter.  This field in reports shows the value of that field (it will never include a value if the invoice is paid through the SecureShare paywall).
  19. Response Total Invoice Amount - This field is the total of all invoice amounts paid + any current invoice amount that hasn't been paid.
  20. Response Total Payment Amount - This field is the total of the Prepayment Amount + all amounts paid + Response Manual Payment Amount (only filled in if "Manually Send Invoice" is the Inv Type)
  21. Reviewer - Is Active - This field is the admin setting for the Reviewer in a matter to confirm that the user's profile is active.           
  22. Secure Share Receipt Confirmed - This will show a value of True or False.  True means the Serving Party closed the portal early by clicking the "Receipt Confirmed" button.                 
  23. Served Attachment Count - This is the number of documents created in or uploaded to the Correspondence folder in a matter.
  24. Subject Date Range End - This field is in the "Primary" section of the Matter, and is the end date for which you are required to gather data for the response. 
  25. Subject Date Range Start  - This field is in the "Primary" section of the Matter, and is the beginning date for which you are required to gather data for the response.         
  26. Subject [n] Name - For an individual, it shows separate fields for the Last, Middle, First, and Suffix (to see a full field if characters exceed it, pull the divider bar to the right).  For an entity, it is the entity name.  
  27. Subject Names - Shows the names of all Subjects.  If there is more than one Subject, the names are separated by a comma.
  28. Total SecureShare Processing Fees - If there is more than one invoice that has been paid for a matter using the paywall, this is the total of all the Stripe credit card processing fees.  It does not include any "Paywall Fee" that Safari may deduct when sending the monthly reconciliation payment.
FIELDS WITH MASKED DATA.  For fields that typically contain PII, Safari provides two variable options:  (1) full data, and (2) masked data.  If you selected a masked data field, Safari will show *** and the last 4 characters (if there are four characters or less then only **** is shown). Below is a list of the masked fields available:
  1. Subject # - Name (Masked)
  2. Subject # - Customer ID (Masked)
  3. Subject # - DOB/Inc Date (Masked)
  4. Subject # - Tax ID (Masked)
  5. Garnishment Account # - Account Number (Masked)
Is there a question we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at

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