SecureShare - Rolling Productions

SecureShare - Rolling Productions


VIDEO TUTORIAL (4+ mins) - Rolling Productions
Safari's delivery portal is purpose-built for securely and easily delivering your responsive documents, including when you need to deliver additional documents to an ongoing production.  Below are four highlights about this capability:
  1. You can add documents to any open delivery portal (you don't need to change the status).
  2. If you add a document to the RESPONSE folder, Safari does not immediately send it to the portal.  Instead, you must take another step to send the new documents to the portal.
  3. You can create production volumes using subfolders to help organize the documents.
  4. You can issue multiple invoices with rolling productions.
To learn what the Serving Party sees when you add new documents to a delivery portal, see SecureShare - Serving Party Experience.

How to Add New Responsive Document to a Delivery Portal

It's a two-step process to add new documents to an open portal:
  1. Add the documents to the RESPONSE folder.
  2. Once you do that, Safari displays a check box on the left side of the screen, which you must check and click  SAVE  to actually send the new document(s) to the portal.  
As shown in the image below, Safari has several ways to emphasize that you've undelivered documents in the Response folder:
  1. Showing a yellow-highlighted checkbox on the left to add the documents to the open portal
  2. Highlighting the document row in the RESPONSE folder
  3. The Portal date column (labeled "Portal") displaying the text "Not in portal"
  4. The RESPONSE folder highlighted in soft yellow.

click to enlarge image
If you navigate away from the RESPONSE folder while documents are waiting to be delivered, the RESPONSE folder also appears highlighted:

Creating Production Volumes Using Subfolders

When you are adding documents to an open delivery portal, it is often a best practice for you to organize the documents in the RESPONSE folder into production volumes using subfolders.  Here's the general approach:
  1. Create a subfolder for the initial batch of responsive documents and a second subfolder for the new batch (give them labels such as "Vol 1 - [date]").
  2. Move the previously delivered documents into the first volume (select the documents by checking the box to the left of the documents, and then use the Bulk Action functionality to select Move).
  3. Open up the subfolder for the new production and add the new documents there.
You can also do the steps 1-3 above in any order before sending the new documents to the open portal.

To learn more how subfolders display to the Serving Party / Requester, see SecureShare - Serving Party Experience.

Using the "Rolling Production" Status

When you open a portal, if you know that your initial delivery is only a partial production, you can designate the matter as a "Rolling Production."  The image below shows the delivery setup option for marking a matter to be a Rolling Production when you open the delivery portal:

What happens if I designate a matter as a Rolling Production?  Normally, when you open a delivery portal, Safari removes the matter from your "Active-Unresolved" list and alerts you only if something needs your attention (e.g., if the email with the login credentials bounces).  However, if you designate a matter as a Rolling Production, it receives a status of Portal Open (Rolling Prod), which has the following characteristics:
  1. The matter remains on your Active-Unresolved matter list until the portal expires or you close the portal.
  2. While the portal is open, the status shows as Portal Open (Rolling Prod).  Unlike a normal delivery portal, the status won't show if a user has accessed the portal (you can always view the delivery details to determine if it has been.
  3. The Serving Party cannot close the portal.
To learn more about what statuses Active-Unresolved includes, see the section about Active-Unresolved in Matter IDs / Matter Lists / Searching.

Can I remove a matter designated as a Rolling Production from my Active-Unresolved list?  Yes, when you've finished adding documents to the delivery portal, you can change the status back to a normal portal status, which then shows either Portal Open (Unaccessed) or Portal Open (Accessed).  In the Portal Options for the matter, click the box for "Mark Rolling Production Complete" (note that the message tells you to which status the matter is returned as shown in the image below):

I forgot to set the status a Rolling Production when I opened the delivery portal.  Can I change it back to a Rolling Production?  Once a delivery portal is open, the only way you can change the portal status to Rolling Production is to close the portal and then reopen it.

Multiple Invoices with Rolling Productions

Sometimes you'll want to include an invoice with each batch of responsive documents you deliver.  That is possible in Safari, but there are some limitations and special workflow steps to make that happen.  Safari does plan to make improvements to address these issues in the future.

If you've designated a matter as a rolling production, you'll need to close the portal, make the new invoice selection (see next section), and then reopen the portal.

  1. Safari-generated invoice.  If you use a Safari-generated invoice for each new paywall, Safari automatically deletes the prior invoice in the Financial folder and replaces it with the new one. To keep a copy of the original invoice, before re-opening the portal, download the invoice, and then re-upload it to the Internal folder (and you might want to rename the file to indicate it has been paid with the date).
  2. Manual invoices.  If you're manually uploading invoices, if you keep all prior and current invoices in the Financial folder, then Safari presents all to the Serving Party each time you open the portal.  If you only want to present the current invoice with the portal, then do the same thing as with a Safari-generated invoice (download it, and then re-upload it to the Internal folder and rename the file to show the paid date).


All payments display in the Delivery Details section of the matter, but not in the Financial section of the left-side panel (only the most recent payment display).  But reports do have fields to show total payments for a matter. 

Is there a question we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at
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