SecureShare - Serving Party Experience

SecureShare - Serving Party Experience

This help page offers screenshots and explains each step for the Serving Party / RequesterTo ensure security and an accurate audit history, your company's users won't have access to the Serving Party's / Requester's portal login credentials. 
Serving Party / Requester Support Questions?  See Serving Party Support.


Safari's delivery portal is designed specifically for Serving Parties to securely and conveniently receive your responsive documents.  Here's an outline of the process:
1. Serving Party receives login credentials:  Safari generates login credentials and sends them via email (from 
or fax.
2. Serving Party logs in:  The notification guides the serving party to a unique login page where they enter the provided credentials, request a one-time PIN, and input the PIN.
3. Serving Party pays invoice (if applicable):  If you've selected an invoice, the serving party is presented with a credit card form.  They can view the uploaded document list but must pay the invoice with a credit card before downloading.
4. Serving Party views/acknowledges your Instructions (if applicable):  If Instructions are provided, the Serving Party sees them above the document download area.  If you require acknowledgment, the Serving Party must supply it (by entering their name and email) before downloading the documents.
5. Serving Party downloads responsive documents:  The serving party can choose to download a zip file containing all the responsive documents or access and download each document individually.

1. Serving Party Receives a Portal Notification with Login Credentials

Below is an example of the portal notification email from (the fax looks very similar). 

Click on the image to view larger size         
1.  Serving Party didn't receive the email/fax.  See Serving Party Support.
2.  Matter doesn't have a case number.  To instill confidence that the notification is legitimate, the email subject line begins with the case number entered in Safari.  If the matter has no case number, you should enter some other type of identifier (e.g., the Serving Party's internal ID or the Safari Response ID).   Avoid entering "None" or "N/A". 
3.   Additional email recipient.  An additional email recipient doesn’t show as a cc: address.  Instead, the text includes a reference to the additional recipient.  
4.  Questions about the responsive documents. The person designated for questions corresponds to the Entity Served selection for the matter.  Only a Safari system Owner or Admin can view or change the list of Entities and corresponding contacts.

2. Serving Party Logs In 

The SecureShare URL link takes the user to the login page with the Response ID prefilled:

Click on the image to view larger size
When is a PIN required?   SecureShare automatically requires a PIN unless your company has made it optional.  
How does the Serving Party receive the PIN?  Depending on the contact information entered in Safari, the Serving Party can choose to receive it by email, fax, or mobile number. 

Click on the image to view larger size

3. Serving Party Pays Invoice (If Applicable)

If you’ve selected an invoice, the serving party sees a list of your responsive documents and instructions to pay the invoice before downloading. The screen displays the amount due and a link to the invoice.

Click on the image to view larger size    
A.  Invoice. The serving party can click on the invoice link to view your invoice. 
B.  View of Documents. The documents listed (only the first five) are not yet available for download.
C.  Information Request Details. The Doc Title and Subjects display only if you've entered that information in Safari.

4. Serving Party Views/Acknowledges Your Instructions (If Applicable)

If you've provided Instructions, the Serving Party will see them above the document download area.  If you require acknowledgment, the Serving Party must provide it (by entering their name and email) before downloading the documents. 

Click on the image to view larger size 

When acknowledged, Safari sends a confirming email to the person acknowledging (the email provides a copy of the instructions as well as the name, date and time that the instructions were acknowledged).  The confirmation email also goes to the primary and additional portal recipient email addresses if different than the email of the person acknowledging.

5. Serving Party Downloads Responsive Documents

The document download page displays after the serving party pays the invoice amount (or immediately on login if there is no invoice).  The serving party can download either a zip or individual files. 

Click on the image to view larger size

Once the serving party downloads the documents, they click to confirm receipt and close the portal.  The matter status in Safari then changes to "Closed - Delivery Confirmed."  If the serving party doesn’t click to confirm, the portal automatically closes 14 days after it was opened.  In that case, the matter status changes to "Closed - Portal Accessed."

Click on the image to view larger size 

NOTE 1:  You'll receive automatic reminders that the portal expires in five days, three days and one day if you haven't downloaded the documents yet. as shown below:

NOTE 2:  If the portal is closed, you'll see this notification to reopen it, with instructions supplied to you in the message.

Is there a question that we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at

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