Setup - Company, Entities & Teams

Setup - Company, Entities & Teams


Safari organizes your company information into three levels: 
  1. Company - information and settings
  2. Entities - list for identifying the entity that was actually served, as well as information and settings
  3. Teams - used for identifying groups of users as well as support settings for Serving Parties and setting up a default state for requests.

Summary of Setup Tasks

  1. System Coordinator(s) -- Designate whoever in your company is the main support contact to Safari (they may or may not be system Owners). 
  2. Company Address and Logo -- Upload your company's logo used for correspondence that is not specific to an entity (i.e., a letter to an issuer who made improper service).
  3. A couple of compliance settings for financial institutions -- Designate whether to turn on RFPA compliance and/or specify default account for garnishment payments.
Entities (your list of servable corporate entities)
  1. Create List -- Create entry for each servable Entity.
  2. Entity Address, Billing Address, and Logo -- Enter the mailing address, and if different, the billing address for the Entity.  Upload a logo specific to the Entity or choose to use the same logo as the company logo.
  3. States in which doing business -- Select the states in which the Entity is doing business and is servable (required if you turn on the "No Jurisdiction" warning -- see "Subtype Setup Options - Compliance Fields and Warnings" in Setup - Subtypes for more information.
  4. Designate Support contact for Document Requests -- Designate which users are responsible for serving party questions about responsive files or the invoice (remember that Safari handles all serving party technical support needs).
Teams (primary use for responsive document support contact)
  1. Designate Support Setting -- Change the support setting in the Company page from "Entities" to "Teams"
  2. Create List -- Create entry for each Team.
  3. Designate Support contact for Document Requests -- Designate which users are responsible for serving party questions about responsive files or the invoice (remember that Safari handles all serving party technical support needs).

Company Setup

Only system Owner(s) can edit the Company Setup page.

Company General Fields

  1. Company Full Name: This field should be the full legal name of your company. 
  2. Company Short Name: Displayed when the company name is shown (e.g., in an email to the Issuer notifying them that response files are available for pickup).
  3. Company Lead Coordinator: For most companies, the system Owner is the Lead Coordinator, the person identified who is generally responsible for all aspects of the Safari system.   Below are the Lead Coordinator’s main responsibilities:
    1. Provides first-level support and answers general questions about the Safari system for company users.  Accordingly, the Coordinator’s name is shown under the Support page available under the (?) in the upper right corner of Safari.
    2. Only the system Owner(s) can change the selection of the Lead Coordinator and Backup.
  4. Company Backup Coordinator: This user has the same responsibilities and attributes as the Lead Coordinator.  You should have a backup who is available if the Lead Coordinator is not.
  5. Company Logo: Your company’s logo has two purposes:  (1) it can be the default logo for one or more entities, and (2) you can select the company logo when creating templates. To change the logo, click on the logo when editing Setup page.  The requirements for the logo are as follows:
    1. Permissible file types:  .png, .gif, .jpg
    2. Recommended background color:  transparent or white
    3. Size:  Not more than 100 px high nor 250 px wide  (notes:  Safari will optimize the size and location of the logo, so it is best to have either the height at 100 px or the width at 250 px, but make sure neither the height nor the width is more than 100 px or 250 px respectively.)

Company - Document Requests

  1. SecureShare: One-time PIN:  Safari recommends you set the one-time PIN to be "Always On" for added security when delivery documents through the SecureShare portal.  
    1. How does the PIN work?  See the help page about SecureShare Issuer Experience.
    2. How this setting affects the Safari UI.  If the PIN is Always On, there is no change to the UI.  If the PIN is Optional (Default On or Off), then there is an added checkbox in Delivery Setup to require the PIN:
  1. Response Contact and Invoice Support: Your company's support contact for responsive documents and invoices can (a) contacts for the Entity, (b) contacts for the Team, and (c) the Reviewer.  This setting initially specifies whether the support contact is by Entity or Team.  If you want to have the setting by Reviewer, go into each Entity/Team (whichever you select) and change the setting for whether the Entity/Team or the Reviewer is the support contact.
  2. Enable RFPA: This setting enables you to turn on RFPA compliance policies in Subtypes. For more information, see Setup - Compliance Policies.

Company - Garnishments

  1. Provide Default Account for Garnishment Payments:  This setting is for financial institutions that (a) use Safari's garnishment module and (b) seize funds by moving them into a GL account (from which the funds are later paid).  If your company doesn't meet these criteria, don't turn on this setting.  For financial institutions that do meet these requirements, turn on this setting and see more information below.
    1. When funds are paid to satisfy the garnishment, the payment entry in a matter has a required field for the account.  This setting allows companies to specify a default account.
    2. If you have only one GL account, then enter that amount in this field.
    3. If you have a different GL account by Entity, then leave this field blank, and fill in the default account field by Entity.

Entity Setup

Overview of Entities

Who can view/edit?  Only a system Owner can view and edit the list of Entities and the setup of each one.
Entity Served field picklist.  Safari uses the list of Entities as a picklist for the Entity Served field in each matter. Below are some details about the Entity Served field:
  1. If you have only one Entity, the Entity Served field automatically auto-populates each time you create a new matter.
  2. If you have a long list of entities, only the first 50 initially display in the drop-down list, but you can search for any entity name.  Note that Owners can configure which Entities are shown at the top of the list by designating them as "Preferred" (see below for more information).
  3. The field is soft required, meaning that you must select the field to open a portal.  You could leave it blank if you chose to close the matter for another reason (e.g., Issuer Abandoned).  Also, you have a second field for Incorrect Entity Name if the Issuer didn't identify the proper entity, and you wish to record the entity specified in the subpoena or document request.
Support Option.  The Entity setup page has a support setting to designate which users are responsible for Issuer questions about your company's response documents or the invoice (remember that Safari handles all issuer technical support needs).

Entity General Fields

  1. Entity Name: This should be the full legal name of the entity.  Each Entity Name should be unique.
    1. It is the name shown and selected in the Entity Served picklist in each matter.  
    2. It is the name shown on auto-generated invoices in Safari.
    3. It can be selected as a variable in Templates (shown as "Entity Served Full Name").
  2. Entity Short Name:  This should be a short, easily readable version of the Entity Name.  It doesn't need to be unique (i.e., multiple Entities could have the same Entity Short Name).
    1. IMPORTANT:  Because this field is used prominently in SecureShare notifications and portal, use the shortest name that is recognizable.  Simply copying the full entity name, unless very short, is not optimal.
    2. It can be selected as a variable in Templates (shown as "Entity Served Short Name").
  3. Active:  If you deactivate an Entity, it can no longer be selected in matters, but the value remains in existing matters (but it is changeable by users in each matter).
  4. Picklist Priority:  As described above, the list of Entities displays in the Entity Served field in a matter.  Only the first 50 initially display in the drop-down list, but you can also search for any Entity name.  If you designate an Entity as Preferred, then it shows at the top of the list.  Entities designated as Standard are shown alphabetically below the Preferred Entities.
  5. Entity Address:  This should be the physical address for the Entity.  You can select these fields as variables in Templates.
  6. Entity Billing Address:  If the Entity's billing address differs from the main address, input it in the provided fields. The billing address is included on Safari-generated invoices.  See Setup - Billing for a sample invoice.  You can select these fields as variables in Templates.
  7. Entity EIN:  The Entity's EIN, if you enter it, displays in Safari-generated invoices.  See Setup - Billing for a sample invoice.  You can select this field as a variable in Templates (variable name is "Entity Served Employer Identification Number").
  8. Entity Logo: Your Entity logo displays on invoices (see image below) and each delivery portal for any matter in which the Entity is selected.  You can also select the Entity logo as a variable in Templates.  If you want to simply use the company logo for an entity, toggle to select "Use Company Logo").  If you want to attach a logo for the specific entity, click on the logo.  Logo requirements are:
    1. Permissible file types:  .png, .gif, .jpg
    2. Recommended background color:  transparent or white
    3. Size:  Not more than 100 px high nor 250 px wide (notes:  Safari optimizes the size and location of the logo, so it's best to have either the height at 100 px or the width at 250 px, but make sure neither the height nor the width is more than 100 px or 250 px respectively.)
  1. States Where Service is Accepted:  You must complete this setting if you turn on the "No Jurisdiction" warning in Subtypes. To enable the "No Jurisdiction" warning, make sure to select the states in which each Entity is doing business and can be validly served.

Entity - Document Requests

  1. Support Contact:  This setting controls who is the contact shown to the Issuer for questions about your response and any invoice you provided.  (See image below regarding how this is shown in an invoice.)  If you select Reviewer, then the user specified in the matter as the Reviewer appears.  If you select Entity, then you can provide a generic support contact and email.
    1. Entity-Level Support - Response Contact Name & Response Contact Email:  This is the generic support contact shown to Issuers in the email and faxes sent to Issuers and displayed on the SecureShare portal.  (Note that for technical support needs, the Issuer is directed to contact
    2. Entity-Level Support - Invoice Contact Name & Invoice Contact Email:  This is the generic name and contact email shown in invoices that a template generates.

Entity - Garnishments

  1. Option for Default Account at Entity level for Garnishment Payments:  This setting is for financial institutions that (a) use Safari's garnishment module and (b) seize funds by moving them into a GL account at the entity level (from which the funds are later paid).  For financial institutions that meet these requirements, see more information below.
    1. This field is shown only if you have enabled Garnishment Default Accounts at the company level -- see above.
    2. If you leave the field blank, Safari uses the value at the company level instead.

    Team Setup

    Owners and Admins can create and edit Teams.

    How to Use Teams in Safari

    For companies with many users, use Teams to (a) organize users into groups and (b) designate a support contact when sending responsive documents and invoices for document requests (see Serving Party Support for more information).  Team-level support is useful when you'd prefer not to list the individual Reviewer and want a team-designated email for group support.  
    Teams don't affect access control or administrative rights; they're solely for support contacts and organizing/classifying your users.  

    Instructions for Setting Up Team Support

    1. On the Company setup page, change the setting for "Response Contact and Invoice Support" from Entity to Teams.
    2. Create of the Teams under Setup > Teams.
    3. For each Team, designate whether responsive document and invoice support is by the Reviewer or a Team contact.  Note that a group email might be appropriate for Teams (see example below):

    4. Finally, each of you should review your user profile to make sure you've selected the proper Team.  

    How Teams Affect the Default State for Manually Creating New Matters

    When you manually create a new matter, the State Received field is prefilled with the state selected in the Team assigned to the user.  To change this default, an Admin would need to edit the Team's State in the address field (i.e., the Team that is selected for that user), or the Team assigned to that user would need to be changed.

    Is there a question that we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at 

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