SecureShare - Portal Reminders & Monitoring

SecureShare - Portal Reminders & Monitoring

Once you've opened a portal, Safari takes care of everything for you, including reminders to the Issuer and alerts if something needs your attention.  The system also updates the Matter status and monitors portal activity in the Delivery Details section for you.

Reminder Notices to Issuers

Automatic Reminders

If the Issuer hasn’t yet accessed the portal, SecureShare reminds them five days before the portal expires, and then again three days and one day before. The audit history and Delivery Details reflect these reminders.

Manual Reminders

You can also send a manual reminder (not more than one per hour) by opening the Matter and clicking “Send Reminder.”  The notice goes by the same method selected for the initial notification.  The audit history and Delivery Details reflect these reminders.

Monitoring Issuer Activity in the Portal

The Matter Status and the Delivery Details section of the Matter reflect portal activity.

Matter Status

To view Matters with open portals, select “Assigned to Me” or “All Matters” on the home page, then change the view selector to Active - Portal. 

Image of View Selector (click to expand)
These are the portal statuses:



PORTAL  Open   (Unaccessed)

Portal is open and hasn't been accessed

PORTAL  Open   (Accessed)

Portal is open and has been accessed by the Issuer

PORTAL  Expired   (Unaccessed)

Portal is closed and was never accessed

CLOSED   Issuer Accessed

Portal is closed and was accessed (portal closed automatically after 14 days but the Issuer didn't click the button to close the portal)

CLOSED   Delivery Confirmed

Portal is closed and was specifically closed by the Issuer 

Note that the status Portal Expired (Unaccessed) triggers an Action Alert.  To resolve the alert, either reopen the portal or manually change the Matter status to Closed - Issuer Abandoned.  To learn more, see SecureShare Action Alerts.

Delivery Details

The Delivery Details section displays once you open the portal for a Matter.  It tracks communications about and activity in the portal.

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