ServePort®, which stands for service of process portal, is a core component of Safari. It is a customizable portal feature for the receipt and intake of served documents, and it is a delivery portal for subpoena response documents.
This help page covers the setup of intake portals. There can be several different types and purposes for intake portals.
- Service of process: ServePort is typically used as a centralized site for electronically receiving service of process for all legal documents, but it can also be configured to accept limited document types only, such as just levies, garnishments, and/or subpoenas.
- "Internal" portals: ServePort portals can be set up for internal purposes, like receiving documents from bank branches.
- Customer information requests: ServePort can be used to handle customer information requests, including those related to personal data under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and to facilitate compliance with Section 609(e) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) by enabling businesses to manage and respond to identity theft information requests.

SERVEPORT AGENCY PORTAL - Safari also operates a portal specifically for government agencies to serve levies in PDF format. Safari handles all of the setup of this portal for agencies. See
Levies - ServePort Agency Portal to learn more.
If your company is setting up a ServePort intake portal, your Customer Success Manager will provide a form to complete the portal’s text information, such as displayed instructions. For service of process portals, there you may also need to complete a form to designate specific fields.
- (Your company) ServePort Portal # - Text.docx
- (Your company) ServePort Portal # - Fields.xlsx
This help page provide additional details about the "Text" document. (Your Customer Success Manager will provide specific instructions if you need to complete information about specific fields.)
Text Setup
In the text form, you'll see several sections highlighted in yellow for you to complete. Below is more information about each of the sections.
Portal Address
Safari creates a unique portal address for each portal. Part of the portal address includes text that identifies your company's portal. We recommend that you use your email domain. If you're setting up an internal domain, use your email domain followed by "-internal" as shown below:
Portal Title
The top of the portal page shows your company's logo and the title of the portal. See the image below for an example of a portal titled, "Law Enforcement Portal."
Portal Description Text
This text appears on the right side of the portal home page (i.e., before the Issuing Party has obtained an access PIN):
And it displays again after you've received a PIN, and appears at the top of the intake form (see orange circle):
This text supports rich text formatting, allowing for bold, underlines, and hyperlinks.
This text displays after you have received a PIN and appears at the top of the intake form that the Issuing/Requesting Party will complete (see purple circle). Note: this text applies to all intake forms (i.e., there is not separate text for each intake form).
This text supports rich text formatting, allowing for bold, underlines, and hyperlinks.
Authorized Domains - Internal Portals Only
For internal portals, Safari can limit access exclusively to users with email addresses from your authorized domains. Safari does this by only sending the access PIN to email addresses matching these approved domains.
Acknowledgment of Receipt
Each intake form made available to the Issuing/Requesting Party supplies an Acknowledgment of Receipt. This is a “template,” which means that you can incorporate variables into the text. Below is a list of the variables you can use. Note you can use a variable only if it's required for the applicable intake form.
- [[Company Full Name]]
- [[Company Short Name]]
- [[Entity Served Name]] (usable only if required available in form)
- [[Date-Time Created]]
- [[Submitted By]]
- [[Submitted By Email]]
- [[Served Document File Name]]
- [[Served Document File Size]]
- [[Type of Document]] (this will be the Subtype Name)
- [[Document Title]] (usable only if required available in form)
- [[Subject Names]] (usable only if required available in form)
- [[Case No. / Internal Reference No.]] (usable only if required available in form)
- [[Requested Return Date]] (usable only if required available in form)
- [[Safari ID]]
- Issuing Party fields (usable only if required available in form):
o [[Organization Type]]
o [[Organization Address - Street]]
o [[Organization Address - City]]
o [[Organization Address - State]]
o [[Organization Address - Zip]]
o [[Organization Address - Country]]
o [[Contact Person]]
o [[Contact Email]]
o [[Contact Phone]]
o [[Contact Mobile]]
o [[Contact Fax]]
o [[Additional Email Contact]]
This text supports rich text formatting, allowing for bold, underlines, and hyperlinks.