Setup - Templates and Library

Setup - Templates and Library

This help page describes how your company can incorporate your standard forms and policies into its Safari workflows:
  1. Templates - Incorporate your standard forms or legally required forms with templates to create documents or send correspondence. 
  2. Library - Store important policy documents for quick reference by your users (see end of this help page to learn more about the Safari Library).  

Templates Overview

Your company's system Owners or Admins can create templates to auto-generate standard documents and correspondence, such as:
Document Requests and Subpoenas
    1. Acknowledgment of receipt and expected cost 
    2. Request for additional information
    3. Declaration of Records Custodian
    4. Declaration of No Records (DNR) -- see section at the end about DNRs
    5. Production cover letter 
    6. Specialized invoices
    7. Letters you must print and physically mail
Account Garnishments and Levies
  1. Answers to interrogatories
  2. Communications to the internal deposit servicing teams
  3. Notifications to debtor that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) requires
  4. Letters you must print and physically mail
Types of Templates. You can create two types of templates.
  1. PDF Document templates -- These templates create a PDF document in any folder.  As part of system setup, a system Owner or Admin designates in which Type, Subtype, and folder the template is available.
  2. Correspondence templates -- These templates create an email or fax only in the Correspondence folder.  Correspondence created from these templates is emailed or faxed directly from Safari.  As part of system setup, a system Owner or Admin designates in which Types and Subtypes the template is available.
View List of Existing Templates  
System Owners or Admins can view the list of templates by clicking on System Setup, and then selecting either Correspondence or Document under Templates.  
You can also access templates by clicking Library > Templates, but users who are not an Admin won't see templates in the Library; they only see templates within a matter, either in the Response/Answer folder or Correspondence folder. )  

Creating/Editing Templates

Templates are created in System Setup under the heading "Templates."  Only a user with a system role of Owner or Admin can create a template. 
To learn more how you can use templates to create PDF documents, see the video:  Templates: Create PDFs and Send Correspondence.  For more detailed information, see Docs - Create Document from Template, and see Corresp. - Send Email/Fax.

Customizing Where Templates are Available

One of the important setup features is to customize where templates are available for your users.  You can designate/limit PDF document and Correspondence templates for Types and Subtypes.  You can also designate/limit PDF document templates by folder.

Default Settings
  1. The default setting is that templates appear in all Types and Subtypes. 
  2. PDF document templates created before Nov 14, 2022, appear only in the Response folder.
  3. For new PDF document templates, they appear in all folders.
To change that default setting, edit the template, and in the settings for Type / Subtype Configuration, use the toggles and checkboxes to specify in which Types and Subtypes the template will appear (and in which folder for PDF document templates).  For example in the image below, the PDF document template will be available in the Response/Answer folder for selected Subtypes for Document Requests, but for all Subtypes that are Garnishments, and not visible at all for any Litigation or "Other Matters" Subtypes:

Using Variables 

As an Owner or Admin, you can create templates with "variables" (i.e., field values), which auto-populate with fielded data when a user creates a document from a template.  You can use virtually all fields as template variables.  In the image below, the variables are highlighted in yellow and include the case number, company logo, Safari matter ID, date served, and subject of the subpoena. 

How to insert a variable when creating a Template. Type "[[", and then a list appears from which you can select.  The most commonly used variables appear at the top. 
SEARCHING FOR VARIABLES.  Rather than scrolling through the long list of variables, type [[ and then keep typing a key word for the variable, which dynamically searches the list of variables.  For example, in the image below, typing "[[curr" shortens the list to variables with the word "Current":

ON FORMATTING:  When you insert a variable, the editor includes a space after it--so if you add a variable before a punctuation mark such as a comma, you need to delete the extra space. 

Specialized Variables

Masked variables.  For variables that typically contain PII, Safari gives you two variable options: (1) full data, and (2) masked data.  If you selected a masked data variable, Safari shows *** and the last four characters (if there are four characters or less then only **** is shown).  See below for the masked variables available:
  1. Subject # - Name (Masked)
  2. Subject # - Customer ID (Masked)
  3. Subject # - DOB/Inc Date (Masked)
  4. Subject # - Tax ID (Masked)
  5. Garnishment Account # - Account Number (Masked)
TIP: When searching to find a masked variable for a template, type "[[mask" to quickly find the list of all masked variables.
Current Date.  The format for date variables is mm/dd/yyyy.  However, for letters and other similar correspondence, the preferred date format is month day, yyyy.  For the Current Date, that format is available as a specialized variable shown as "Current Date (month day, year)".

Tips for using the Online Editor

You can edit the body of the template with Safari's online text editor.  Web browser editors have some formatting capabilities but are more limited than a program such as Microsoft Word.  Here are some tips for using the editor: 
  1. Copy and Paste from Word:  Many companies begin with existing Microsoft Word templates they plan to convert into templates in Safari.  It generally works to copy and paste the text of your document directly from Word into Safari (images must be separately, manually entered in the template).  However, sometimes Word has hidden formatting, which doesn't paste well into Safari.  If that happens, we recommend doing the following:
    1. First paste the text from your Microsoft Word document into a text editor like Notepad to strip out the hidden formatting.  
    2. Then re-copy and paste the text into Safari.
  2. Spacing: To narrow the spacing between two lines, first eliminate the paragraph break, then create a new line break with <SHIFT><ENTER>.  Paragraph breaks are set to specific spacing that can't be changed.

  1. Signatures for templates:  There are two ways to add a signature to a template.
    1. Insert a variable for "Current User - Signature" or "Reviewer - Signature".  Because these fields pull from the user profile, each user must upload a signature image to their profile.
    2. Type the signature as text and select the "Signature" font type.

NOTE about Correspondence Sent Via Email -- Image and Font Displays

When you include an image in correspondence via email (e.g., the company logo or a signature image), the recipient's email program may not properly display images or fonts.    
  1. Images:  Email programs typically strip out images when displaying the email (including signature images stored in the User Profile).  Thus, even though the image may be shown in the online editor, there is no guarantee that the recipient's email program will show the image. 
  2. Fonts:  Some email systems won't display the font you've selected.  The text appears, but it may not be in your selected font. 
These limitations are outside of Safari's ability to control (they relate to email programs of the email recipient), but as discussed below, you have other options.

What to do if I need to send Correspondence that has critical images or fonts?   
If the document or template that you want to send via Safari contains critical images or fonts, we recommend the following.
  1. Create the document as a PDF and attach it to a correspondence item.
  2. Send the correspondence via fax instead of email (there are no image or font challenges with fax).
  3. For documents such as a Declaration of No Records (DNR), which can be delivered via the SecureShare portal, create a Response template rather than Correspondence template.  The advantage of this approach is it creates a PDF for delivery, which guarantees that all formatting is preserved.

TIP Regarding Declaration of No Records 

Safari recommends creating your DNR as a response document (rather than an item of correspondence).  If you create the DNR as correspondence and send it via email, the signature may display properly by the recipient's email program (see prior topic).  Instead, create your DNR as a response document template, use that template to create a DNR in PDF form in the Response folder, and then send the DNR through the SecureShare portal.  That also creates an audit history of the delivery.  Also, if you charge for your records search (regardless of whether responsive information exists), you can use the paywall to deliver the DNR. 

Library Overview

Safari's Library feature is used to store important policy documents, reference materials, company specific manuals, and anything else you'd like to make available to your users in one place.

How to Add Documents to the Library

Only system Owners and Admins can add or remove documents from the Library.  Click Library > Internal Resources to view the list of documents in the Library. 
  1. To add a document, click +NEW.
  2. To view a document, click the document name.
  3. To edit a document name, click the edit "pencil" icon.
  4. To delete a document, click the trash can to the right. 
Note about the Library UI for regular users.  If you are not a system Owner or Admin, you have a simplified Library view.  When you click on the Library menu on the left side, you immediately see the list of library documents.  You do not see sub-options for Internal Resources and Templates.

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