Workflow - Transfer to Other System

Workflow - Transfer to Other System

Overview - Transferring Documents to Other Systems

VIDEO TUTORIAL (8 mins) - view video
For any served document you will not manage and resolve in Safari, you can transfer the served document to other systems or teams for processing.  For example, if you received a wage garnishment, simply transfer it to the person responsible for your HR system who processes wage garnishments.  The image below illustrates the workflow:

Click to expand image
System Owners set up the transfer capability by Subtype in the Subtype setup page.  When viewing a matter, you can easily determine if the transfer capability is enabled by viewing the Status options for the matter.  If "Closed Transferred" is an option, then the transfer capability is enabled for the Subtype:


How are Served Documents Transferred?     

You can accomplish transfers in three ways in which with Safari:  Secure Download, API, or Manual.  

Secure Download Transfer

When you change the matter Status to Closed Transferred and click  SAVE , the transfer immediately initiates.  
NOTE:  You cannot initiate a transfer if a served document is not saved in the Served folder.
Email Notification that the transfer process is initiated and the download is available.   The recipient of the notification email is specified in the Subtype transfer setup (which system Owners configure under Setup > Subtypes).  The notification email: a) contains a link to a secure page to download the served document stored in the Served folder, and b) shows any matter details stored in the left-side fields.  Here is an example of the notification email sent and the download page:

Sample Transfer Email (click to expand)

Sample Download Page (click to expand)
Details about the notification email:
  1. From email address:  The notification email is sent from  The "reply-to" address is the Reviewer of the matter.
  2. To address:  This is the email address specified in the Subtype setup page for transfer emails.  Please contact a system Owner to confirm the transfer email address.  The transfer email recipient also appears in the Transfer Audit History (see below).
  3. Subject:  This is in the following format: [Safari ID] - Transferring [Subtype name] data and responsibility
  4. Content:  This is any of the matter detail fields shown on the left side of the matter that have data shown in the body of the email.  Fields with no data do not appear in the email.
  5. "Go to Download Page" button:  This button opens the secure transfer download page.  It does not trigger the served document download or record the transfer as confirmed.  
  6. Support contact: Shows your Company's Lead and backup Coordinators.
Details about the secure transfer download page:
  1. Content:  Any data stored in the matter data fields appears on the secure transfer download page.  
  2. "Download & Confirm Receipt" button:  This is a link to download the file(s) stored in the Served folder.  Safari encrypts the file download to secure the transfer.  When the email recipient clicks the button, the system confirms the transfer in the audit history.  
DOWNLOAD PAGE EXPIRATION:  The download page remains active for 14 days after the transfer initiates.  After 14 days, if someone accesses the download page, they're directed to contact the support persons identified in the footer of the email.
HOW TO RESEND/EXTEND THE LINK: If the download page expires without the served document being downloaded, the matter still has a Status of Closed Transferred.  To re-initiate the transfer, you must re-open the matter by choosing an open Status such as "Prep Response" and SAVE, then re-select Closed Transferred and SAVE.  If the download page expires without a download, Safari generates an action alert -- see below for more details.

API Transfer

APIs can be set up to enable automated transfer to other systems.  Typically, this method is implemented for high volume.  Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager at for more information.

Manual Transfer

If a Subtype is set up for Manual transfer, the Reviewer needs to download the served document and manually upload it into whatever system is used for processing.  The Reviewer still selects a status of Closed - Transferred, which records in the audit history that the served document transferred.

Transfer Audit History

When you initiate a transfer, Safari displays a Transfer Details section (similar to the Delivery Details section for the SecureShare portal).  Below are the series of audit history entries you'll see as the transfer is completed and confirmed:

Transfer Failure Alerts

There are several types of failure alerts/emails to ensure that transfers always complete on time:
  1. Email Failure Alert:  If Safari receives a bounce-back or other indication that the email wasn't deliverable, it shows an email failure alert.  This alert should be unexpected, because it will be your company's email address, and you should have configured it to receive Safari transfer emails.  If this alert is generated, you should immediately contact your company's Lead or Backup Coordinator to troubleshoot this issue further.
  2. Unconfirmed Transfer Email:  You can configure each Subtype to send escalation emails to alert one or more users if a transfer is not confirmed within a specified time.  See Setup - Subtypes for more information about the configuration options for this escalation email.
  3. Download Page Expiration Alert:  If the transfer link to download the document(s) in the Served folder wasn't clicked within 14 days, Safari shows a transfer expired alert.  NOTE:  If the link expires without being clicked, the matter still has a Status of Closed Transferred.  To re-initiate the transfer, you must re-open it and then re-select Closed Transfer.  See below for more details.

Re-opening Transferred Matters

You can re-open a transferred matter at any time by choosing one of the open Status options (e.g., Prep Response) and click  SAVE .  Note that if you reopen a Transferred matter, it immediately causes the transfer link to expire, so the recipient of the original transfer email can no longer download the served document(s) in the Served folder.  
If you need to resend a transfer email, the only way is to change the Status to one that's open (e.g., Prep Response), click  SAVE , and then select the Status of Closed Transferred and click  SAVE .

Transfer Reports

Safari offers you two "standard" reports relating to transfers:
  1. Transfer Details -- a full set of fields relating to the transfer, including the duration of time before the transfer confirms.  
  2. Unconfirmed Transfers -- a list of all transfers initiated that haven't been confirmed (i.e., the recipient hasn't clicked the download button/link).  
WORKFLOW PROCESS TIP:  Some companies run the Unconfirmed Transfers report at the end of each day to identify any unconfirmed transfers.

Is there a question we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at 

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