Matter IDs / Matter Lists / Searching

Matter IDs / Matter Lists / Searching

This help page provides information about the various ways that matters are identified, listed, and found:
  1. Matter IDs
  2. Matter Lists
    1. Default views and matter counts
    2. Filters (e.g., list all Closed matters)
    3. Column data
  3. Searching -- Quick Search and Filtered Search

Matter IDs

The Matter ID is the unique identifier for each Matter in Safari.  Whenever you create a Matter in Safari, it automatically receives a sequential Matter ID.  The format of the Matter ID is:  YY-####.  The two-digit year at the beginning of the number corresponds to the year when you created the Matter in Safari.  Thus, if the Matter was received on December 31, 2023, but you didn't create it in Safari until January 1, 2024, the two-digit year is "24."

The Matter ID is the master ID for the Matter.  If you have an internal reference ID, enter that in the "Internal Reference ID" field in the "Additional" section of data.

Matter Lists (Left Side Menu)

This section describes, for the matter list pages, the default views and matter counts, filters, and the data in columns.
VIDEO TUTORIAL (4 mins) - view video

Default Views and Matter Counts 

NOTES ABOUT MATTER COUNTS:  The matter count shown on the left is the number of matters for the "All Types" view only.  For example, the matter count won't update when you limit the Type to "Document Request".  Also, while you are on a matter list page, if another user has taken an action that changes the matter count, the matter count isn't updated until you revisit or refresh the page.
  1. Action Alerts: Matters that have an alert and require immediate attention.  
    1. Default view:  "My Alerts," which are just those matters for which you are the Reviewer.  Change to "All Users" to see alerts across all matters.
  2. Unassigned: Matters that you can access and do not have a Reviewer assigned.  A typical workflow would be for a user to go to this page and assign the matter to herself or himself, which will then cause the matter to no longer be displayed in this list.
    1. Default view:  There is only one view for this list -- unassigned matters you can access.
  3. Assigned to Me:  Matters for which you are the assigned Reviewer.  You can also change the view to be matters for which you have access as a participant.
    1. Default 'Type':  The default Type is "All Types."  However, if you only work on a specific type (e.g., Document Requests), you can change the default view in your user profile (see the help page about User Profile).
    2. Default 'Assigned':  The default view is for just those matters in which you are a Reviewer.  You can also change the view to include any matter in which you have been added as a participant.
    3. Default 'Status':  "Active-Unresolved," which are limited to open matters except it does not include matters with an open SecureShare portal.  To learn more about this default view, see below.
  4. All:
    1. Default Type:  The default Type is "All Types."  However, if you only work on a specific type (e.g., Document Requests), you can change the default view in your user profile (see help page about User Profile).
    2. Default Status:  "Active-Unresolved," which are limited to open matters except it does not include matters with an open SecureShare portal.  To learn more about this default view, see below.
  5. Recent: Last 10 matters you've accessed, with the most recently accessed on top.
  6. Starred: Matters you have starred (not showing stars entered by other users).
Can I customize the columns in a page that lists Matters? Yes, although only Admins can change the column headings and it affects all users.  See Setup - Matter List Columns.

Matter List Filters

As discussed above, on the Assigned to Me and All lists, the default view is "Active - Unresolved" for all matter Types.   You can use two filters to change the list view:  Type and Status.  The example below shows how to view all Document Requests that are Closed. 

The list of Status filters you can select varies depending on your selection for the Type filter.  For example, if you chose to limit the matter Type to Garnishments, then you see the Status filters limited to those applicable to Garnishments.  
To learn more about Status options, see Workflow - Status / Date Due.

Active-Unresolved Display

The Active-Unresolved display is the default view on the matter listing pages.  Below is a list of the matter statuses shown in this display:
  1. Any "To Do" status
  2. Portal Open (Rolling Prod)
  3. Portal Expired (Unaccessed)
  4. Any "On Hold" status
Matters with a status of Portal Open (Unaccessed) or Portal Open (Accessed) do not appear on the Active-Unresolved list.  The reason? You have nothing further to do.  If a problem occurs (such as the email with portal login credentials bounced), then Safari automatically changes the matter to a status in the Active-Unresolved list.

Matter List Columns

NOTE: Some of the matter list columns are configurable.  For more information, see Setup - Matter List Columns.
The matter list column names are generally self-explanatory.  The Status drives the Date Due shown for a matter, as you'll see in the table below:
Date Due displayed
Document Request
All "To Do" Statuses
Date Due (Response)
To Do Seize Assets
Date Received (i.e., same day)
To Do Answer
Date Due (Answer)
To Do Payment
Date Due (Answer)
To Do Answer
Date Due (Answer)
To Do Response
Date Due (Answer)
All Types
All "On Hold" Statuses
All Types
All "Closed" Statuses

Sorting Rules - Dates

The sorting icon for dates works as follows:
Arrow pointing down (default) - dates display earliest to latest*

Arrow point up - dates display latest to earliest*

  1. When sorting with the earliest date at the top, blank values are below all real values.
  2. When sorting with the latest date at the top, blank values are before all real values.

Searching for Matters

NOTE:  If Auto User Provisioning via SCIM is enabled, only Owners have access to all Matters but Admins are limited to those Matters they have created.  If SCIM is not enabled, both Owners and Admins have global access to all Matters.  For more information about access rights to Matters, see Workflow - Reviewer / Matter Access
You can perform two types of searches for matters: a Quick Search or a Filtered Search.
A Quick Search is the simplest way to look up a matter quickly.  Quick Search applies to the following fields:
  1. Safari ID
  2. Case Number
  3. Garnishment Account Number
  4. Internal Reference ID
  5. Matter Name
  6. Serving Party Add'l Email
  7. Serving Party Contact
  8. Serving Party Client-Matter Number
  9. Serving Party Email
  10. Subject Name
  11. Subject Alias
  12. Subject Tax ID
  13. Subject Customer ID
  14. Other Info (only the first 200 chars)

  1. From anywhere in the system, in the upper right of the screen click the magnifying glass and enter your search using the Safari ID or case number, or any of the 11 above fields.
  2. The default result immediately displayed--without searching--is your 10 most recently accessed matters, ranked newest to oldest.
A Filtered Search enables you to fine-tune your results with results displayed automatically as you apply filters.  To get started:
  1. On the left side, click All 
  2. Leave the Type filter as All Types, or for a more exacting search, narrow the selection to the particular Type such as Document RequestGarnishmentLitigation or Other.
  3. NOTE: If you wish to customize your default matter type filter for matter listings, you can visit the User Profile Settings page. 
  4. Change the Status filter to whatever you like for your search.  The default shown is Active - Unresolved, but in the pull-down menu you'll see choices specific to the Type filter.  If you're looking for a certain matter whether it is open or closed, be sure to select All.
  5. Filters appliy to your result shown as you make changes to the Filter criteria.
  6. If the Status is Closed or All, then you'll see the date range filter.  For a date range, Safari has a default of the last 30 days.  However, you can adjust the date range to whatever you wish by changing the fields below.  

Note: The Date Range functionality is shown only if the Matter Status filter is Closed or All.
  1. The Text filter will search through various text and number fields on the matter that you type in the box as shown below.  For example, Safari ID, reviewer, serving party, location, and subject. 

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