Workflow - Starred / Linked Matters

Workflow - Starred / Linked Matters

Starred Matters

Safari enables you to star matters to more easily identify critical ones you're handling.  
Important note: when you star a matter, that star is applicable only to you.  If another user accesses the matter, or if you assign the matter to a different Reviewer, the matter is not starred for that user.

How to Star a Matter

When you are on a table listing page, you can click the star in the right column.  When in a matter, you can click the star in the header in the upper right corner.

A matter is starred until you un-star it.

Viewing a list of Matters You've Starred

To view all Matters you've starred, click My Desktop > Starred on the left of the screen.

Linked Matters

Links connect related matters.  You can create them manually, and in some situations, Safari automatically generates links.  You can also remove links.
If one matter links to another, you'll see the other matter in the Links workspace.  Click the Link icon in the header to view the Links workspace (the number in the icon tells you how many links exist).  To hide the workspace, click the icon again.

In the field at the top of the Links workspace, type in the Safari ID of the matter to link, click ADD, and then SAVE .  
If Safari detects a possible duplicate matter (see the Alerts help page to learn more), it creates a link for you.  See below to delete the link.
TIP - If you want to see if the link was generated manually or by Safari, review the audit history for the matter.  If the link is Safari-generated, the user shown taking the action will be "Safari Admin".
To remove a link to another matter, click the trash can icon in the Links workspace, and then SAVE .

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