Workflow - Reviewer / Matter Access

Workflow - Reviewer / Matter Access


Safari offers you a robust collaborative platform for teams.  For instance, your subpoena team can grant access to multiple users, ensuring uninterrupted access to matter history and information even when team members are on vacation.  However, to maintain confidentiality, Safari supplies advanced matter access controls, allowing selective access based on user permissions.  This help page gives you detailed instructions on how you can grant users access to matters, either automatically or through manual assignment.  

Topics addressed in this help page:
  1. Reviewer - person responsible for the matter
  2. Matter Participants - users who are given specific access
  3. Access controls - how security and access can be limited to matters
  4. Working with outside counsel in matters


In Safari, the "Reviewer" is considered the person responsible for the matter.  You can select any active user to be the Reviewer.  If you change the Reviewer to be blank, the matter appears on the "Unassigned" list.

Email Sent to a New Reviewer           

When you assign a matter to a Reviewer, Safari sends the Reviewer an email.  The email has a link, if when clicked, jumps the user directly into the matter.

Although <> sends the email, the reply-to address is the person who made the assignment.  So, the recipient can reply directly to the person making the assignment via email if needed.

Sending a Note with the New Reviewer Email.  If you @mention the new Reviewer in a Note when selecting the new Reviewer, the email sent to the new Reviewer includes the Note.  See the Notes help page to learn more.
TIP - Click on the Note icon to the right of the Reviewer selection in a matter to immediately open a new Note with the @mention already filled in for the reviewer.

Turning Off New Reviewer Email

Some of you are in Safari daily and don't want to get the new Reviewer emails.  You can turn off this setting in your user profile (just click your initials in the upper right corner of any Safari main page).  
Even if a user has turned off new Reviewer emails, if you send a Note to the user when making them the new Reviewer, Safari still sends the user an email with the Note (i.e., the fact that you made a Note overrides the user setting not to send emails).

Matter Participants

Depending upon how your system Owners have configured your system, a user might already have automatic access to a matter, in which case they don't need to be added as a participant to review information in a matter.  Below are reasons that a user is added to a matter as a participant:
  1. Adding a user as a participant automatically sends a New Participant Email, with a jump link right into the matter.
  2. The user does not have global Subtype access to the matter.
  3. The matter security is "locked," and therefore the only way that the user can access the matter is by making them a matter participant.

How to Add Participants

  1. Click the participants icon  in the matter header to open the participants workspace. (Note: If the matter has been "locked" for higher security, the icon is a lock instead.)
  2. In the dropdown field, select the user and click ADD.  
  3. (Optional) In the list of participants, click the Notes icon to the right of the user to make a note that is included in the New Participant Email.
  4. Click  SAVE .

Email Notifications to New Participants

When you add a user as a participant to the matter, Safari automatically sends them a New Participant Email.  (Note: this email cannot be turned off by users in their profile like the New Reviewer Email). 

The "View Matter" button takes the user directly into the matter in Safari (after logging in).  Although sends the email, the reply-to address is the person who granted the access.  So, the recipient can reply directly to the person granting access via email if needed. 

Sending a Note with the New Participant Email

If you @mention the new participant in a Note when adding the new participant, the email sent to the new participant includes the Note.  See the Notes help page to learn more. 
TIP - Click the Note icon to the right of the username when adding them to a matter to immediately open a new Note with the @mention already filled in for them.

How to Delete Participants

You can remove a user as a matter participant any time by accessing the participants workspace, and clicking the trash can to the right of their name, then clicking SAVE.  Note: you cannot remove the Current Reviewer shown in the list this way.  
REMINDER - Simply removing the user as a participant may not remove their access.  They may still have global access to the matter, such as through Subtype access.  See Access Controls below to learn more.

Access Controls

There are four ways you can have access to a matter:
  1. Reviewer - You are the Reviewer for the matter, with access if you're in this role.
  2. Participant - You are added as a participant to the matter.
  3. Subtype Access - If the matter is not locked (see below), you have Subtype Access (Administrator setting in the user profile)
  4. Owner - You are a system Owner, with access to all matters.
Locked v. Unlocked Matters.  Subtype Access can be blocked if the security setting for a matter is "locked."  To view the security setting, click the Participants icon in the matter header (icon changes depending on the security setting -- see examples below):  
   UNLOCKED: Accessible by participants explicitly added (the "3" denotes three are added), system Owners and users with "Subtype Access".  
  LOCKED: Accessible by participants explicitly added (the "5" denotes five are added), and system Owners.
When a new matter is created, the default security setting is unlocked.

Viewing Who has Access to a Matter

  1. The Reviewer always has access to a matter, along with any participants who have been added (click on the participants icon in the header to see who).  
  2. Other users who can access a matter are system Owners and users with Subtype Access (but only if the matter security is unlocked).  You can view system Owners by going to Setup > Users.  However, only system Owners and Admins can look up user profile information about Subtype Access.

Working with Outside Counsel

Because Safari is an online software platform, it is ideally suited to working with your outside counsel when you need their review or to handle extra caseloads.  Safari streamlines collaboration and matter assignments, facilitates efficient communication and document sharing, and ensures consistent access to relevant case information.

To work with your outside counsel, a system Owner or Admin needs to add your outside counsel as users in Safari.  If your company has Single Sign-On, then your outside counsel must use a user ID (email) and password to access your system.  If you are assigning matters to outside counsel on a case-by-case basis, then do not give them default access to matters and instead make them the Reviewer or give them Participant access to the specific matter.

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