Workflow - Status / Date Due

Workflow - Status / Date Due


The status selection in each matter is a critical workflow feature.  Below are several examples:
  1. Tracking action that needs to be completed.  Each matter has a series of "To Do" statuses.  You can use these to monitor progress and identify work to be completed.  In the matter listing page, you can filter matters by a particular status for Document Requests and Garnishments.
  2. Due Dates.  For many status choices there is an accompanying due date.  E.g., document requests have a Date Due (Response).  Garnishment matters have a Date Due (Answer) and Date Due (Payment) for those status selections.
  3. Document Delivery Functionality.  For Document Requests, the status of To Do Delivery opens the wizard for opening the SecureShare portal.
  4. Reporting.  The status of each matter is frequently a critical field for many reports.

How to Change the Status

You can edit the status in a matter by clicking the CHANGE button in the upper left corner of the matter. 

Status Order / Sequence 

Typically, the status progression is based on the To Do status for each matter.  But you can always skip any step in the process if appropriate.  For example, the status steps in a Document Request are: 
           Prep   >   Q A   >   Delivery   >   Closed 
However, it is not required that a matter go to Q A.  It can go directly from Prep to Delivery or to any other selectable status

Status for Document Requests

The table below shows you all the different statuses for Matters.  "Selectable" means you can select the status at any time.  "Programmatic" only applies when responsive files are sent through the SecureShare portal.  You do not select those statuses; Safari automatically assigns them based on what is happening with respect to the portal.


Selectable vs. Programmatic


To Do  Prep Response


Initial status when an SOP is first created

To Do QA


Status to be used when a company wants a different person to review the work of the response files that have been attached.

To Do Delivery


Status for specifying delivery options

ON HOLD   3rd Party Info Due


Example might include an RFPA certificate or 7216 authorization

ON HOLD   Subj. Challenged


The subject of the subpoena has filed a challenge which must be resolved before responsive documents can be made available. 

ON HOLD   Legal Review


Special review by lawyers

ON HOLD   Legal Challenge


Lawyer has filed a motion to challenge the matter

PORTAL  Open   (Unaccessed)


Portal is open and has not been accessed (i.e. the serving party never logged into the portal)

PORTAL  Open   (Accessed)


Portal is open and has been accessed 

PORTAL  Expired   (Unaccessed)


Portal is closed and was never accessed  (i.e. the serving party never logged into the portal)

PORTAL  Expired   (Incomplete)


This status is unique to outside counsel delivery matters.  It means that the portal expired but your outside counsel did not download all the documents that you made available. 

CLOSED  Serving Party Accessed


Portal is closed and was accessed

CLOSED   Delivery Confirmed


Portal is closed and was specifically closed by the serving party

CLOSED   Manually Delivered  


User designated that the files where manually delivered

CLOSED   No Records  


Company has researched, and they have no records for the identified Subject(s).

CLOSED   Abandoned  


This is an example of a situation where the company calls the serving party before the portal, and the serving party says “never mind.”

CLOSED   Existing Matter


The matter was previously created.  This is different than duplicate service because the served document was not served more than once, but rather a multiple matters were created accidentally for the same served document.

CLOSED  Invalid Request


To be selected for situation such as if the matter was rejected for improper service or other legal deficiency.

CLOSED  Mistakenly Created


To be used when the Response was created by accident.

CLOSED  Other Reason


This is a catch-all selection for closing a matter for a miscellaneous reason.

CLOSED   Quashed


Company doesn’t have to respond because the company obtained a legal order quashing the subpoena or other legal Matter.

CLOSED   Duplicate Service


Select if the same served document was previously received.

CLOSED   Transferred 


Selectable only if the Subtype has been setup to enable transfers to other systems/teams.  See Workflow – Transfer to Other System

Status for Garnishments
For a detailed list of status for garnishments, see Acct.Gar. - Workflow Status & Dates.  

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