Matter Types - Fields & Functionality

Matter Types - Fields & Functionality

Matter Types Overview

All matters in Safari are assigned a Type and Subtype, which combine into a single selection.  For example, when you create a matter or want to change a matter's Subtype, Safari presents a picklist organized by Type (Document Request, Garnishment, Litigation, Other), then by Subtype.  Below is what that selection might look like to you*:

*You can change a matter only to Subtypes authorized for you in system setup.  For example, if your company has different teams for subpoenas and account garnishments, then you could be limited to seeing just the Subtypes relevant to your team.
This help page explains matter Types and how they are core to Safari's subpoena response and account garnishment modules, and to the served document management functionality.  
  1. Matter Type FAQs
  2. Matter Type Fields
  3. Matter Type Status and Functionality

Matter Type FAQs

What are the Types?  Safari has four Types:  
  1. Document Request (DOC) -- orders or requests for information.
  2. Garnishment (GAR) -- orders to seize (or place a lien on) funds or assets owned by other parties that you control.
  3. Litigation (LIT) -- legal actions in which your company is a named party.
  4. Other (OTH) -- everything else that doesn't fall into the above three categories.
Every Subtype is assigned to one of these four Types, thus providing an organization and structure to Subtypes.  
Note About Account Garnishments and Wage Garnishments 
Virtually every company receives wage garnishments, but they're generally not handled in Safari (e.g., they're sent to the HR system).  If you download wage garnishments from your registered agent into Safari or want to log them manually in Safari as part of a comprehensive served document log, then a Subtype must be created for Wage Garnishment, and the Type should be "Garnishment."  The fields and functionality in the Garnishment Type, although specifically built for the account garnishment module, are fine for the intake of a wage garnishment, which then should be transferred to your HR system.   

Why are there only four Types and are they editable or configurable?  The four Types represent the broadest categories of served documents.  You can accomplish more detailed specific classifications and configurations with Subtypes.  Also, these four Types are sufficient for Safari to have unique fields and workflows for the various processes critical to Safari's subpoena response and account garnishment modules. The Types are not editable because that would make the set up and management of fields and workflows within Subtypes excessively complicated.

How are matter Types core to Safari's subpoena response and account garnishment modules?  When your Safari system Owner creates a Subtype in Safari, the selection of the Type for the Subtype affects the following features in a matter:
  1. What fields are available
  2. The functionality of fields
  3. The status that drives workflow
  4. Workflow functionality (e.g., the SecureShare portal is available only for Document Requests)
For example, the functionality for Document Requests, such as the SecureShare portal, is specifically for providing response documents to subpoenas and document requests.  Similarly, the functionality for Garnishment is specifically for legal orders to seize funds or assets.

How are matter Types used with Safari's served document management?  Types are primarily used for reporting (e.g., how many lawsuits did we receive last year in which we are a named defendant).  Also, in the future, Safari intends to add configurable fields enabling a wide variety of routine, one-and-done Subtypes under Other.  For example, a company might receive a certain request frequently, and you send an email correspondence and then close the matter.

Matter Type Unique Fields

Every Type has certain basic fields, such as Serving Party, Date Received, State Received, Reviewer, Forum, etc.  In addition, the Type contains some unique fields that may limited to that Type.  The table below provides a list of the special fields by Type:

 Document Request (DOC)
 Garnishment (GAR)
 Litigation (LIT)
- Return Date
- Date Due (Response)
- RFPA Certificate
- RFPA Notes
- Inv Type
- Invoice Amounts
- Payment Date
- other related fields
- Delivery Method
- Tracking Number

- Date Due (Answer)
- Date Due (Payment)
- Judgment/Lien Amount
- Release Amount
- Release Date
- Release Notes
- Account Number
- Account Type
- Seized Amount
- Account Notes
- Payment Amount
- Payment Account
- Payment Date
- Check Number
- Garnishor Fee
- Processing Fee

- Date Due (Answer)
- Date Due (Answer)

Matter Type Status and Special Functionality

The Type affects the Status options selectable within a matter.  The table below shows you a list of the Status options for each Type.  Note that for Litigation and Other, the expectation is that these are simply transferred to another system.

 Document Request (DOC)
 Garnishment (GAR)
 Litigation (LIT)
To Do
- Prep Response
- QA
- Delivery
On Hold
- 3rd Party Info Due
- Subj. Challenged
- Legal Review
- Legal Challenged
- Portal Open (Unaccessed)*
Portal Open (Accessed)*
- Portal Closed (Unaccessed)*
- Issuer Accessed*
- Delivery Confirmed*
- Manual Delivery*
- No Records
- Issuer Abandoned 
- Existing Matter
- Invalid Request 
- Mistakenly Created
- Other Reason 
- Quashed
- Duplicate Service
To Do
- Seize Assets
- Answer
- Payment
On Hold
- Court Action
- Debtor Challenged
- Creditor Action
Funds Paid
No Funds
No Account/Debtor
Accounts Exempt
Accounts Closed
Creditor Abandoned
Existing Matter
Invalid Service
Mistakenly Created
Other Reason
Duplicate Service
To Do
- Answer
- Discovery
- Trial
- Appeal
On Hold
Case Stayed
Plaintiff Dismissed
Court Dismissed
Trial Verdict
Appeal Dismissed
Appeal Resolved
Existing Matter
Invalid Service
Mistakenly Created
Other Reason 
Duplicate Service
To Do
- Answer
On Hold
3rd Party Info Due
Existing Matter
Invalid Service
Mistakenly Created
Other Reason 
Duplicate Service
*Status is auto-assigned by Safari and not manually selectable by a user.
**Transferred is a selection only if transfers are enabled for the Subtype

The Type also affects specific functionality available in matters.  Document Requests are the only type with the option to deliver response documents to the Serving Party via the SecureShare portal.  Garnishments are the only type with specific functionality for tracking judgment/lien amount, accounts, releases, and payments.

Is there a question we haven't answered?  Please send it to us at 
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