Our company has created a “user” with an email address that's a distribution email to a team, so we can add the “distribution user” to a matter as a Participant and send a note to everyone on the distribution list. However, some or all users in the list aren't receiving the email from Safari with the Note/New Participant email. How can we fix that?
Please confirm the distribution list user is active. Then, that some users DO receive the emails and others do NOT. For anyone that doesn’t receive them, ask them to check their SPAM folder. (Although we have no control over this, a distribution list won't selectively choose to include some people and exclude others. Most likely the emails are ending up in SPAM/JUNK and users don’t realize it.) If NOBODY gets the email, it's being blocked and they should check with IT.
Also, they should check to make sure their distribution list is allowed to be called externally. Many times, a distribution list requires the sender to have the same domain. If that's the case, it won’t work since our emails will come from no-reply@safarisop.com.