Reports - FAQs

Reports - FAQs

What is the All Data Export, and when should I use that rather than the Preconfigured Reports?  To download all data quickly to a spreadsheet, the All Data Export is generally the fastest way.  That's because it doesn't pre-load the data into your browser.  However, you cannot filter the data first, so the most common use for the Add Data Export is for you to just obtain a periodic backup of all your data that you can store locally.

How did Safari choose the field order in its reports?  Can I change the field order?  For the Standard reports, Safari identified the fields that are likely most important and ordered those first.  But we also recognize that everyone will have slightly different priorities, which is why you can save Custom reports in which you can reorder the columns/fields, and then save the report as your own.  

Are there examples of best practices for the types of reports I should use?  The Standard reports will generally meet most of your needs.  If you have specific requests for other types of reports, please send an email request to

How do I share a custom report with another Safari user without having to export the report?   Currently, you can save custom reports only for yourself.  You cannot save custom reports for other users.  (We are planning to add this feature.)  So, if other users want to run the same report, they'll need to save it themselves as a custom report.

What is the difference between the "Document Size" and "Document Size (Bytes)" fields, and why don’t their values match?  These are fields in the Document report.  The "Document Size" field shows the file size in kilobytes (KB), such as "112 KB." This is a text-based field, so it can't be summed in Excel. On the other hand, the "Document Size (Bytes)" field provides the file size in bytes, which is a numeric value and can be summed in Excel.  
Important Note: These two fields might not seem equal when compared side by side. For example, "66.89 KB" and "68,493 bytes" may look different, but remember that 1 KB equals 1024 bytes. If you multiply 66.89 KB by 1024, you'll get 68,493 bytes.

Is there a question that we have not answered? Please send us the question to, and we will add it to this FAQ.
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