Does Safari support drag-and-drop upload of files? Yes. Within each folder, the table header and immediately below it is a drop zone. You can drag one or multiple documents directly into this zone and Safari uploads it for you.
Are there any file size limitations? The maximum size of any individual file may not exceed 50GB. But you have no limit on the cumulative size of all files in a matter, folder, or subfolder, and there is no limit on the number of files you can upload.
Are there any file type limitations? You can upload any file type. The Safari file viewer supports PDFs and image files (e.g., jpeg, tiff). You can upload files such as email (.msg), movies, audio, and zip files, but you can't view or listen to them directly in Safari.
Are there any fees for file storage? No.
Can I change the file name after I've uploaded it? Yes. Click the file name to view the file and edit the file name at the top of the viewer. The character limit for a new file name is 150.
I can't view PDF documents in Safari -- what should I do? Occasionally, a browser will not properly display a PDF. Here is what you might see (note: in the example below, the "Open" button performs no function):
There are two possible causes. First, the file might be corrupted. Download the file and 1) confirm it is a PDF and 2) see if you can view it on your computer. If you can view the file, the issue is a browser extension setting. Try a different browser (Chrome, Edge, or Firefox), and see if you can then view the file in Safari. If so, then check your extension settings in your original browser to make sure PDF viewing is not blocked.
Is there a question that we have not answered? Please send us the question to, and we will add it to this FAQ.
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